Baptism Record

Hello again!

I'm having a bit of trouble deciphering this record:

Here's what I think I can make out:

Martinius (Martin) Vogrel (Vogel?)
Elisabetha, wife, born Staudenmaier, died 1670

[there's a line written here lightly that I can't read, but seems important]
1644 -- a son, Hans(?), was baptized
1647 -- a daughter, Anna, was baptized, died 1669
[can't read this line at all]
Hans Kurts(?)
Sabina [not sure]

Any help in correcting/filling in the blanks would be very appreciated!


I'll start with the original text without any later additions by a different scribe:

Martinus Vogel
Elisabetha uxor

Ao 1644 baptiz. filius Hanß
1647 baptiz. filia Anna
deren Gevatterleüth sind
Hanß Kurtz
Sabina Knaüßin

- Ao = Anno = here: in the year
- baptiz. = Latin, declination of baptizare = christened
- for the first child, Hanß, this word reads "baptizatus"; for the second child, Anna, this word reads "baptizata"
- Gevatterleüth = Gevatterleute = godparents
- not sure whether these two people were the godparents of each child, or only of the last born daughter

As to the later additions, by a different scribe:

- + 1670 = deceased in 1670 - added to Martinus/Martin Vogel

- Staudenmeier + 1696 = maiden name Staudenmeier deceased in 1696 - added to Martin Vogel's wife, Elisabetha

- NB 43 dn 6. Sept: vide ??? in 4 ??? = Latin "nota bene" = please note/it needs to be noted, on September 6, see ??? in 4 ??? - added to the birth year of the first mentioned child by striking through the final two digits of the year of birth. So this child was baptized on September 6, 1643 and not in 1644 as it was originally recorded

- + 1669 = deceased in 1669 - added to the second born child, Anna

The family name of the second godparent is Knauss.

Hope that helps.