TRANSLATION (at least an attempt-
Before the undersigned registrar appeared today, the personal
known Schacht"-master (?) Johann August Wilhelm Christoph Schiele
living in Eichwalde
and indicated that
Emilie Leopoldine Christine Schiele née Hankel, his wife,
69 years old, Protestant religion
residing in Eichwalde with the reporting party
born in Kalbe an der Saale
Daughter of the deceased teacher Hankel,
who was last residing in Kalbe, and his deceased wife Leopoldine nee Stötzer
last residing in Gernrode (the father's first name is unknown)
deceased in Eichwalde in the applicant's dwelling
on February 9th
of the year thousand eight hundred ninety and seven
In the afternoon at five o'clock
Read out, approved and signed
-August Schiele-
The registrar