Berlin IX Marriage Records

I am trying to locate a marriage record (August SCHIELE x Emilie HANKEL) for the time period 1850-1860 in the district of Berlin IX. Does anyone have any advice on where I might search?

Thank you.
Hi Ellen,

Since most of their children were born in Frankfurt/Oder, I would probably look for the birth place of Emilie Wilhelmine Leopoldine Luise Hankel in that vicinity first. It's likely that she married Johann August Wilhelm Christoph Schiele in the parish of her hometown around 1859.


unter Bild 92 ist die Sterbeurkunde der Mutter

Sterbe des Vater. Er kommt aus Gernrode, die Eltern der Frau lebten auch dort, ich würde die Ehe dort suchen. Oder in Maltsch in Schlesien wo die ältesten Kinder geboren sind.
In your ancestry chart you say,
August Schiele was born 1825  in Gernrode/Harz and
his Wife Emilie died in Eichwalde 1897.
Is there an entry of the marriage in Gernrode in 1858 or before ?
Maybe you should ask for a copy of the death certificate for Emilie
with some more information  as you found in the certificate for August.
Another child of the couple - maybe the first one, was born in
Maltsch an der Oder :
Johanna Henrietta Maria Schiele,
a daughter of August Schiele & Emilie Hankel
was born 1858 Nov. 5 in Maltsch an der Oder
(now Malczyce (deutsch Maltsch a.d. Oder)

Die Sterbeurkunde von Emilie ist online, hatte den Link doch eingefügt.

Es gibt noch einen Sohn Richard der 1892 in Radeland (Eichwalde) stirbt. * ca. 1856. Seine Urkunde ist leider nicht online.

Die alten Standesamtbücher aus diesem Bereich liegen im Archiv in Luckau, nicht mehr in Eichwalde.
Falls es um die Edwina geht, deren Eltern heißen doch nach dem amerikanischen Sterbeindex Johann Schiele und Martha. Das passt doch nicht?
I am overwhelmed by peoples kindness here and I have just started to look at your replies. I did not have the actual death certificate for Emilie in 1897, Eichwalde. Thank you very much for providing this as it seems to contain important information. Also, because I do not speak German, I know I am sometimes unaware of all the resources that exist.

According to Emilie's death (pg 92 on link provided above):


She was born in Calbe an der Saale. This is new information for me.

Can anyone help me further with translating the bottom part of her death certificate (parents, additional writing, etc)?

Also - I did not know of the earlier children and Maltsch an der Oder. I am trying to put all your information together.

I am grateful for the help! I have not been able to learn more of August Schiele and Emilie Hankel for a long time - DANKE!

Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Persön-
lichkeit nach
der Schachtmeister (?) Johann August Wilhelm
Christoph Schiele
wohnhaft zu Eichwalde
und zeigte an, daß Emilie Leopoldine Christine
Schiele geborenen Hankel, seien Ehe-
69 Jahre alt, evangelischer Religion
wohnhaft zu Eichwalde bei dem Anzeigenden
geboren zu Kalbe an der Saale
Tochter des Lehrers Hankel verstorben und
zuletzt wohnhaft in Kalbe un dessen Ehefrau Leo-
poldine geborene Stötzer verstorben und zuletzt wohn-
haft in Gernrode (der Vornamen des Vaters ist unbekannt)
zu Eichwalde in des Anzeigenden Wohnung
am neunten Februar
des Jahres tausen acht hundert neunzig und sieben
Nachmittags um fünf Uhr
verstorben sei.

Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben
-August Schiele-

Der Standesbeamte


TRANSLATION (at least an attempt- :)

Before the undersigned registrar appeared today, the personal
known Schacht"-master (?) Johann August Wilhelm Christoph Schiele
living in Eichwalde
and indicated that

Emilie Leopoldine Christine Schiele née Hankel, his wife,
69 years old, Protestant religion
residing in Eichwalde with the reporting party
born in Kalbe an der Saale

Daughter of the deceased teacher Hankel,
who was last residing in Kalbe, and his deceased wife Leopoldine nee Stötzer
last residing in Gernrode (the father's first name is unknown)

deceased in Eichwalde in the applicant's dwelling
on February 9th
of the year thousand eight hundred ninety and seven
In the afternoon at five o'clock

Read out, approved and signed
-August Schiele-

The registrar

Many thanks!

I have spent the day here trying to locate records for these new locations that you all have brought to my attention:

Kalbe (Saale)
Maltsch (Oder) / Malczyce

I have not found any information. May anyone have any suggestions or knowledge of where I can look?

Please advise if you would prefer I post this in a different Archion Forum.

(Also, I do not find information regarding Richard Schiele indicated above: born ~ 1856 and died 1892 Radeland (Eichwalde).
>(Also, I do not find information regarding Richard Schiele indicated above: born ~ 1856 and died 1892 Radeland (Eichwalde).<

Einfach in dem Kirchenbuch, in dem auch die Mutter steht, in dem richtigen Jahr nachsehen....
To Ellen:
Ref. your family tree. You say

> Johanna Henriette Martha wurde am 5. November 1858 in Podles'ye, Brest, Weißrußland, geboren <

Sorry, that is not right - she was born in
Maltsch an der Oder.
Now called Malczyce Poland - as told you twice.
(about 650 km away from
Podles'ye, Brest, Weißrußland)

Thank you for the link to the information regarding the death of Richard Schiele in 1892.

Regarding the birthplace of Johanna Henriette Martha - - I am not sure why you are seeing that I have her birthplace listed as Weissrussland. This seems to be an "" problem. I do have her birthplace listed as Maltsch an der Oder. But I see that it seems to show up for other people viewing my tree as: Podles'ye, Brest, ... I can not explain this but please know that I have written it correctly as Maltsch an der Oder. (I do not know why, but I have seen other place names get mangled in
Ellen, yes, I think, it is a problem of the software of ancestry. A lot of members in my family went to America during the 19th century. With some of their descendants I came in contact about ancestry. I saw also in their (and a lot of other) familycharts twisted unknowable differences. Nobody knews the reason. Then I tried to find it out and put in 3 sample family trees - ofcourse with the right names and birth dates and so on - and after that I got automatically inquiries to get permission to put together the persons I put to a tree - with the persons of their and other family trees. I think - I do not really know - that is was the same procedure for you and also the change for your place Maltsch in Poland to be now in Weißrussland - but why changed also the name of the town in a complete other word ? - What I decided for me, that I will never give the allowance to mix or connect my familytrees with other ones.
Maybe I have to ask ancestry to solve the case.