death record


The later part of the death record for Margarete Holler Schluend after it references her husband's death record and before it indicates she lived for 50 years 5 months and 7 days - what is written - my transcription/translation doesn't make sense.

Huge thanks and have a great weekend.


ne Wittwe, welche vor einem Viertel
Jahr ihr Gesicht voellig verlohren hatte,
so dass sie auf keinem Aug mehr sehen
konnte, seit dem Absterben ihres Man-
nes aber noch viel kraencker wurde, in

dem sie theils ueber Frost, theils ueber Seiten-
stechen klagte. Sie starb gestrigen Mittwoch
als den 21. dieses, zu frueh um halb vor 7
Uhr; .....

....surviving widow, who totally lost her sight, so that she wasn't anymore able to see anything on either eye. Since the death of her husband her illness became even worse - sometimes she complained of shivering, sometimes of side stitch. She passed away yesterday, Wednesday 21 of this month, early in the morning at half past six....
