Good morning,
no, parish registers for Hatzfeld (Eder) are not yet online on Archion.
Besides that the time frame you‘re most interested in will only with gaps -if at all- be covered by the still existing Hatzfeld (Eder) parish registers.
Still available are:
Hatzfeld (Eder)
mit Ebenfeld, Hof Biebighausen, Lindenhof (auch Einträge von Holzhausen/Eder)
T., Cop., Tl., B. ab 1636, Konf. 1636–1659, dann ab 1741; alle Einträge mit Lücken vor 1653, Cop. fehlen 1657–1658, Lücken 1666–1671. Die Totenliste bringt mancherlei Hinweise auf die Verstorbenen. Not. = wichtige Begebenheiten ab 1664.
2 Bände:
Band I: 1636–1749
Band II: 1750–1807
(T. = Taufe = Baptism / Cop. = Heirat = Marriage / B. = Begräbnis = Burial / Tl. = Totenliste = list of Deceased
special note: everything preceding 1653 with gaps)
You may decide to contact the Archive in Darmstadt directly -contact information see under „Archive in Archion“- in order to get an idea as to when these digitized parish registers may be provided to Archion.
Greetings, Vera