Digitized parish records of Hatzfeld

Does anyone know if there are parish records from Hatzfeld on Archion or any other database from 1550-1650? I am researching the surname Unverzagt, specifically information about a Christoph Unverzagt born about 1591 and his son Heinrich. I was informed that Christoph was born in Hatzfeld about 1591, married Anna NN and they had a son named Heinrich born before 1615 in Berleburg. I did find two of their children, Valentin and Margaretha in Archion/Berleburg. Any information would be appreciated. Thank You
Good morning,

no, parish registers for Hatzfeld (Eder) are not yet online on Archion.

Besides that the time frame you‘re most interested in will only with gaps -if at all- be covered by the still existing Hatzfeld (Eder) parish registers.

Still available are:

Hatzfeld (Eder)
mit Ebenfeld, Hof Biebighausen, Lindenhof (auch Einträge von Holzhausen/Eder)

T., Cop., Tl., B. ab 1636, Konf. 1636–1659, dann ab 1741; alle Einträge mit Lücken vor 1653, Cop. fehlen 1657–1658, Lücken 1666–1671. Die Totenliste bringt mancherlei Hinweise auf die Verstorbenen. Not. = wichtige Begebenheiten ab 1664.

2 Bände:
Band I: 1636–1749
Band II: 1750–1807

(T. = Taufe = Baptism / Cop. = Heirat = Marriage / B. = Begräbnis = Burial / Tl. = Totenliste = list of Deceased
special note: everything preceding 1653 with gaps)

You may decide to contact the Archive in Darmstadt directly -contact information see under „Archive in Archion“- in order to get an idea as to when these digitized parish registers may be provided to Archion.

Greetings, Vera
Hello again: I do not see the following when I Browse:

"Hatzfeld (Eder)
mit Ebenfeld, Hof Biebighausen, Lindenhof (auch Einträge von Holzhausen/Eder)
T., Cop., Tl., B. ab 1636, Konf. 1636–1659, dann ab 1741; alle Einträge mit Lücken vor 1653, Cop. fehlen 1657–1658, Lücken 1666–1671. Die Totenliste bringt mancherlei Hinweise auf die Verstorbenen. Not. = wichtige Begebenheiten ab 1664."

Am I not navigating properly? I am not fluent in the German language but I can read some.

Thank you......Bill Unverzagt
Hello Izzy1234,

For information about the church records of Hatzfeld, I suggest to contact the local parish office and ask for your request to be forwarded to Mr. Michael Zollenkopf. He has indexed the Hatzfeld church records.

Regarding the Unverzagt family: From the documents I have, I can at least tell you that there was no family with that name in Hatzfeld in 1590. Compare my book Die Einwohner des Amtes Battenberg, volume 1, pages 320ff., and other documents listed in both volumes of that book.

An Unverzagt family lived in Hatzfeld since the 1790s, but I believe they moved there from nearby Biedenkopf, where the name Unverzagt can be found since the 17th century (Mr. Zollenkopf would certainly be able to confirm if that is correct). Unfortunately the oldest church records of Biedenkopf were destroyed in a fire in 1717, so this may be a dead end.

I hope that helps!

Hello Izzy1234,
how I can help you?
I'm Michael Zollenkopf from Hatzfeld

Please let me know.
Best Regards
Michael Zollenkopf
Hello Izzy1234,

22 persons with the name Unverzagt can be found via the database at compgen.de - maybe more relatives can be found there?

Good luck and happy research!

Oliver Kramer