Do these death records explain the cause of death?

I will be grateful to anyone who can help me.

I found the death records for both of my ggg grandparents. I can see the basic information, but since I have discovered that this Reverend uses rather colorful descriptions, I am wondering if there is interesting information among the words that I can’t understand.

My GGG Grandfather Georg Kohl’s record:

This is what I think I understand:

15. Thansuess
Johann Georg Kohl, Weber Meister and ______ from Thansuess, ______ died on 30 August (1841) and was buried on the 7th (September?) _____. He was 68 years, 6 months, and 5 days old.

This puts his birthday at February 25, 1773: (The math: adding 68 years to his birthday = 25 February = 1841; plus 6 months = 25 August 1841; plus 5 days = 30 August 1841)


My GGG Grandmother Barbara Pruckner’s record:

This is what I think I understand:

9. Thansuess, on 11 April (1829)
Barbara Kohl, wife of Georg Kohl, Weber Meister in Thansuess. She died on 11 April and was buried on the 14th. She was 57 years, 7 months, and 20 days old.

This puts her birthday at 22 August 1771. (The math: adding 57 years to her birthday = 22 August 1828; plus 7 months = 22 March 1829; plus 20 days = 11 April 1829 (31 days in March)

The on-line records for this parish do not show their wedding record. I can see from an index that they were married between the years 1776 and 1800. Their record was #66 out of 81. By doing some math, this puts their marriage date at about 1795. To access the records listed “in white,” I need to contact the local parish, or would that be in a central archive? Any suggestions?

-Joseph Kohl, 3x Great Grandson of Georg Kohl, Master Weaver from Thansuess, Bavaria.

Hallo Joseph,

the complete death record of Johann Georg Kohl reads:

15. Thansüß
Johann Georg Kohl, gewesener Webermeister und Inwohner zu Thansüß, ein Wittwer, starb nach einem kurzen Krankenlager an einer gänzlichen Entkräftung am 30. August Abends um halb 7 Uhr und wurde am 2. September beerdigt. 68 Jahre, 6 Monate w: 5 Tage alt

which means

15. Thansüß
Johann Georg Kohl, a former weavermaster and resident of Thansüß, died after a short sick bed of total exhaustion on August 30th at 6.30 pm and was buried on September 02nd 68 years, 6 months less 5 days old.

The complete death record of his wife Barbara reads:

9. Thansüß den 11. April

Barbara Kohl, Ehegattin des Georg Kohl, Webermeister in Thansüß starb an der Schwindsucht Morgends 9 Uhr des oben benannten Tages und wurde am 14. darauf beerdigt. 57 Jahr 7 Monate w: 20 Tage alt

which means

Barbara Kohl, wife of Georg Kohl, weavermaster in Thansüß died of consumption at 9 a.m. on the above mentioned date and was buried on the 14th thereon. 57 years 7 months less 20 days.

As far as the missing church records for Kaltenbrunn-Freihung in archion are concerned: According to my opinion they should be available at the 'Landeskirchlichen Archiv der evanglisch-lutherischen Kirche in Bayern' which is situated in Nürnberg

I hope this helps.

Best regards

Thank you so very much Katrin,

There are MANY cousins who will enjoy learning this information about our ancestors.

Regarding the abbreviation "w:" For this particular Reverend, I think the W is a U. I also thought it was for "Weniger" but after looking at some of his other entries, I saw him use it between two professions of the same person. One of the others Forum participants who helped me with translations told be to scrutinize the abbreviation because he had also found in various other records a cursive U that looked like a W.

Best Wishes,
...Regarding the abbreviation "w:" For this particular Reverend, I think the W is a U. I also thought it was for "Weniger" but after looking at some of his other entries, I saw him use it between two professions of the same person. One of the others Forum participants who helped me with translations told be to scrutinize the abbreviation because he had also found in various other records a cursive U that looked like a W.


I'm really sorry, but neither in any of these death/burial records, nor in the birth/baptism records for which you requested help the other day, there is any "abbreviated w".

Instead, this pattern in question always reads "ud:" - an abbreviation of the German word "und" = English "and".
