Erbach marriage record 1765 24 April - left margin abbrev.

Left side, Record No. 5, Image 564


Having a difficult time with the left margin abbreviations under the name Jof. Peter Falkenstein's marriage record.

"vid: Clast. Lapf: or Laph."

This occurs on other records in this register, for example, image 563, entry no.1. I have tried military abbreviations, Latin and church abbreviations.

Thank you in advance.

Carol Schile-Meyer
vid. Class: Laps: = vide classis lapsorum

Latin for something like "see class of the fallen ones". This means they had to do a public penance in the church. In this case, probably because the bride was pregnant.

The priest called the different chapters in the register "classes". The marriage is in class 5, but there should also be a record in class 6 (classis lapsorum).

However it seems there are a couple of pages missing. This chapter ends with the year 1763 and after page 441 (image 581) follows page 418 (image 582). So the years 1764 to 1776 are missing.
I have used the feedback function to report that to Archion. But it could be, that they are as well missing in the original parish register.
... and after page 411 (image 581) follows page 418 (image 582). So the years 1764 to 1776 are missing.
Ah, thank-you. That aligns with the baptismal record of the child.
vid. Class: Laps: = vide classis lapsorum

Latin for something like "see class of the fallen ones". This means they had to do a public penance in the church. In this case, probably because the bride was pregnant.

The priest called the different chapters in the register "classes". The marriage is in class 5, but there should also be a record in class 6 (classis lapsorum).

However it seems there are a couple of pages missing. This chapter ends with the year 1763 and after page 441 (image 581) follows page 418 (image 582). So the years 1764 to 1776 are missing.
vid. Class: Laps: = vide classis lapsorum

Latin for something like "see class of the fallen ones". This means they had to do a public penance in the church. In this case, probably because the bride was pregnant.

The priest called the different chapters in the register "classes". The marriage is in class 5, but there should also be a record in class 6 (classis lapsorum).

However it seems there are a couple of pages missing. This chapter ends with the year 1763 and after page 441 (image 581) follows page 418 (image 582). So the years 1764 to 1776 are missing.
Thank-you for the information. That makes sense with the baptismal record of the child.

Left side, Record No. 5, Image 564

Where are you 'seeing' the marriage is in Class 5? Is it something associated with the entry of marriage no. 5 (with some symbols associated with that number. Or is it coincidence that entry no. 5 and vide classis lapsorum is associated with Register 5?

5 [?]
Joh. Peter Falckenstein
vid: Class. Läps:
Mousquetier unter hiesig am Contingent wurde con
presbyteria mit Eva Maria Wolfin, von den Neu-
stadt gebürtig copulirt d. 24 April.

Google Translate:
[Monhquetier]? from the local contingent, married Eva Maria Wolfin, a native of Neustadt, in the presbytery on April 24th.

Carol Schile-meyer