Feldafing, Stamberg

Looking for ancestor Kasper Scheuch (other surname spelling equivalents) born 1831 with parents Johann Kasper and Katharina Elisabeth. Other siblings and father also born in Feldafing. Nothing on Archion that I can see. Any hints on more information.
Good morning,

Feldafing is located in Bavaria, Germany, not in Hesse.

i.e. see here:


In addition Feldafing is a long-standing Roman Catholic community.

That said: which religious belief did the ancestor you‘re looking for have?
In case he‘s Roman Catholic, Archion will not be of any help at all. Sorry.

Regards, Vera
Hello Sven,

you are talking about Roman Catholic church registers for Feldafing.

However, we should first wait for the answer to my question regarding the religious belief.


(Hallo Sven,
Du beziehst Dich auf die Katholischen Kirchenbücher von Feldafing.
Wir sollten jedoch zunächst auf die Beantwortung meiner Frage nach der Konfession der Gesuchten warten.)
Hallo Vera,
die Region ist ja fast nur römisch katholisch, auch wenn dieser doch evangelisch gewesen sein sollte, ist die Taufe wieder nur im Katholischen Kirchenbuch zu finden.

Bleibt nur die Anfrage ans Bistumsarchiv.


Hello again,

Feldafing, Starnberg, Bavaria is the totally wrong place in Germany to search for these ancestors.

***I've -without any even so little doubt- found the first marriage of your ancestor in Germany!!***

More details tomorrow since it's already quite late here.

Stay tuned :) - kind regards, Vera
Hello to Australia,

starting point/what you already know:

"the widower Kaspar SCHEUCH/SCHEICH married on 30 October 1869 in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia
Place of Residence: Feldau, Germany
Age: 38 years
Father: Kaspar SCHEUCH/SCHEICH, Blacksmith
Mother: Katharina Fersing

to the widow Rosina HORNUNG
Place of Residence: Neckersulm, Germany (Neckarsulm) ---> born Gochsen, Germany 8.10.1834 http://www.archion.de/p/0741a10660/ (see your other thread here)
Age: 35 years
Father: Johann Meier, Tailor
Mother: Rosina Müller"

--->***Feldau, Germany*** is: Felda = Gross-Felda, Hesse, Germany<---

Another peace of information you already have at hand is:

"Caspar SCHEICH, born 1831 Stumpertenrod, Hesse, Germany, 32 years old
Departure: 19 Sept 1863 Hamburg, Germany, on ship "Susanne Godeffroy" to Australia
Arrival: 17 Jan 1864 Brisbane, Australia
together with: Elisabeth Scheich, wife, 33 years old / Catharina Scheich, daughter 5 years old / Elisabeth Scheich, daughter 8 months old"

That said....

church register Stumpertenrod, Heiraten/marriages 1863 on 6.Sept 1863

Kaspar Scheich (Sohn des weiland / son of the late Kaspar Scheich, Ortsbürger und Nagelschmied / citizen and nailsmith in Stumpertenrod, und der / and of Katharina, geb./nee Völsing; 32 Jahre/years old)

mit / with

Elisabetha Momberger (Tochter des weiland / daughter of the late Kaspar Momberger, Ortsbürger und Maurer / citizen and mason/bricklayer in Helpershain, und der weiland / and of the late Katharina, geb./nee Rühl; 32 Jahre / years old)

This couple had a child born out of wedlock which is recognized by the groom as his child (Ehepaar hat ein voreheliches Kind, das vom Bräutigam anerkannt wird):

Katharina Elisabetha, geb./born 26.Jan. 1863, get./baptized 1. Feb. 1863


church register Stumpertenrod, Geburten/Taufen 1863 am 26.Jan. 1863, get. 1. Feb. 1863

Katharina Elisabetha Scheich -unehelich / illegitimate-
Mutter / mother: Elisabetha Momberger (ledige Tochter des weiland / unmarried daughter of the late Kaspar Momberger, Ortsbürger und Maurer / citizen and mason/bricklayer in Helpershain)
-das dritte uneheliche Kind, eine Tochter, die zweite Tochter- (the third illegitimate child of this mother, a daughter - the second daughter)
-als Vater bekennt sich / the father who recognizes this child as his: Kaspar Scheich (lediger Sohn des weiland / single son of the late Kaspar Scheich, Ortsbürger und Nagelschmied / citizen and nailsmith in Stumpertenrod)


(this child is listed on the passenger list as being 8 months old!)

church register Stumpertenrod, Geburten/Taufen 1858 am 23. May 1858, get. 6. Jun. 1858

Katharina Horn -unehelich- (nach Australien ausgewandert - additional note in church register record: emigrated to Australia)
Mutter: Elisabetha Momberger (ledige Tochter des weiland Kaspar Momberger, Ortsbürger und Maurer in Helpershain)
-das erste uneheliche Kind, eine Tochter, die erste Tochter-
-als Vater bekennt sich: Heinrich Horn (lediger Sohn des Eberhard Horn, Ortsbürger und Leinweber / citizen and linenweaver in Birklar im Kreis / in district Nidda


(this child is listed on the passenger list as being 5 years old!
- please explicitly note that this child has another biological father than the 8-months-old)

church register Stumpertenrod, Geburten/Taufen 1830 am 9. Sept. 1830, get. 12. Sept. 1830

Elisabetha Momberger (viertes Kind, eine Tochter, die zweite Tochter, erster Ehe // fourth child, a daughter, the second daughter, from first marriage of her parents)
Vater: Caspar Momberger (Ortsbürger und Taglöhner/daylaborer in Helpershain)
Mutter: Katharina Rühl (erste Ehefrau)


church register Stumpertenrod, Tote/Begräbnisse / death/burial 1844 am 2. Mar. 1844, begr./buried 4. Mar. 1844

Johann Kaspar Scheich, Ortsbürger und Nagelschmied in Stumpertenrod
an Engbrüstigkeit
Alter/age: 45 Jahre/years, 2 Monate/months und/and 29 Tage/days


church register Stumpertenrod, Tote/Begräbnisse 1875 am 20. Aug. 1875, begr. 22. Aug. 1875

Katharina Elisabetha Scheich, geb./nee Völsing, hinterlassene Witwe des weiland / surviving widow of the late Kaspar Scheich, Ortsbürger und Nagelschmied
an Wassersucht
Alter: 77 Jahre, 11 Monate, 24 Tage


church register Groß-Felda, Geburten/Taufen 1831 am 7. Mar. 1831, get. 13. Mar. 1831

Kaspar Scheich (4. Kind/fourth child, ein Sohn/a son, der zweite Sohn/the second son, erster Ehe/of first marriage of his parents)
Vater: Caspar Scheich, Ortsbürger und Nagelschmied zu Felda
Mutter: Catharina geb. Völzing


church register Gross-Felda Heiraten/marriages 1826 am/on 29. Oct 1826

(Johann) Caspar Scheich (lediger Sohn des weiland / single son of the late Henrich Scheichs (Gemeindsmann und Metzger in Felda / inhabitant and butcher in Felda) und der/and of Elisabetha geb./nee Römer), 28 Jahre alt/years old


Catharina Elisabetha Fölsing (ledige Tochter -bereits schwanger- des weiland / single daughter -already pregnant at this time- of the late Johannes Felsing (Gemeindsmann / inhabitant zu/in Unterseibertenrod) und der / and of Catharina geb./nee Bindewald, 29 Jahre alt/years old


church register Gross-Felda, Geburten/Taufen 1798, am 3. Dec. 1798, get. 6. Dec. 1798

Johann Caspar Scheich
Vater: Johann Henrich Scheich
Mutter: Elisabetha


church register Ober-Ohmen Geburten/Taufen 1797, am 26.Aug. 1797, get. 28.Aug. 1797

Catharina Elisabetha Felsing (Felsing = Völzing = Voelsing and other variants)
Vater: Johannes Felsing in Unterseibertenrod
Mutter: Catharina, geb. Bindewald
Patin/witness: des Vaters Mutter, Catharina Elisabetha, Johannes Felsings zu Hörchenau (Horchenau), Ehefrau / the child's father's mother, Catharina Elisabetha, wife of Johannes Felsing in Hoerchenau (= Horchenau)


Hope that helps and motivates for doing more research on these families on Archion.

Regards, Vera

(In case of questions please don't hesitate to ask. You're welcome.
You need to buy a Archion passport in order to follow the links to all those various church register records!)

Schön zu sehen, daß es all diese Daten bereits in den bei Ancestry vorhandenen Familienstammbaum des Anfragers geschafft haben.

Wirklich nett und so vielsagend, obwohl hier "das Schweigen im Walde" herrscht.

