Help finding Chaja Waksman

Dear forum, I was recommended to ask for your help. I recently found a document from the Arolson archives listing a sister to my mother that I never hear of. Her name was Chaja Waksman, born July 11, 1945 in Szczecin (Stettin). She was also identified in Eichstatt on June 19, 1947. I am looking for her birth record. Her parents were Mendel and Ida Wachsman. I believe that she died before 1950 when my mother was born.
Thank you for your help.
Doni Stern
Dear Doni Stern.

please allow a general remark: Archion provides access to German Evangelical/Lutheran church registers (with a few exceptions only) and the main purpose of this Archion user forum is to help people with these church records and/or people/families appearing within these sources.

Anyway, what do you please mean by saying „ She was also identified in Eichstatt on June 19, 1947.“?

Thanks and regards,
Copied from double post:

@donistern wrote:
>> I am looking for records, birth, death or otherwise about Chaja Waksman. She was born in Sczecin July 11, 1945 to Mendel and Ida Wachsman. She was Jewish. The record I found was from the Arolson archives. She was an older sister to my mother. Chaja, was also in Eichstatt according to the document in June 1947. I believe she died in Germany before 1950 when my mother was born. <<
You cannot upload files to the Archion forum. Sorry.

Other than that and just in case I checked all Szczecin (Stettin) records / files -available here at Archion- on your behalf for any hint regarding Chaja Waksman's birth in 1945 to absolutely no avail.


Did you already contact JewishGen for help?

.....or the

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM); in Washington, DC, USA;
Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Department of Registration and Statistics?

In case they have nothing in their archives especially the USHMM has direct contacts to Poland and will for granted immediately be able to help.

The same holds true for the staff and support team at Yad Vashem.

Sorry for no better news and kind regards,