Help Reading / Interpreting Family Record

I'd appreciate help reading/interpreting the family record for Johan Jacob Eitenbenz (spelling?) - the fourth "Eitenbenz" entry on the page (ending with youngest child Justina Regina):

I can read the children's names and dates. I'm mostly interested in what it says about the father and mother. And, is it possible to determine if the other "Eitenbenz" men listed as the head of the families on the page are related?

Thank you.
Eytenbenzen, Weÿl.[and] Joh: Jac.
Schulm.[eister], Witwer, gottlie-
bin Eliesabetha. g.[eborene] Wursterin 22. 7b (September) 1728
(she apparently died on 7 Feb 1762)
Kinder von dem 1ten Weib (children of the first wife)
Johann Jacob 8 7b 1747
Gotthilf Friderich 22 7b 1752
Eigene Kinder (own children)
Johann Gottlieb 27 xb (December) 1758
Justina Regina 5 febr. 1761

From this page it is not possible to determine any relation between these people, no. You will have to check each one individually for relations.