Help with Latin abreviations

Thank you in advance for helping me:

On the item 42 at:
There is a large "N" that I have seen more than once. The last name looks like Pruckner, my ancestral family, and then what looks to me like "Vulg. frilpfui" Any idea what that means?

in this item,
there appears my GGGG Grandfather Philipp Pruckner's name at #36 followed by what looks like a combination of N and ß or 3. What could that represent?

That symbol appears again here:
on line # 41 for Dorothea Pruckner, the daughter of Philipp.


42. N. Prucknerin, vulg. Fritschin

N. = NN = nomen nescio = name not known
vulg. = vulgo = known as


36. Phil. Pruckner NB
37. uxor

NB = nota bene = please note = indicates any extra note somewhere


41. Dorothea Prucknerin NB
42. Gottfried - (last name same as preceding entry) fil.


As I already wrote in any of my previous replies to your questions:
one simply cannot draw 100 % for granted conclusions from such secondary sources like Communion records regarding family connections or the like.

Closely analyse birth/baptism, marriage and/or death/burial records in order to do so instead.

From these you will certainly learn why i.e. the lady in #42 was known as "Fritschin" = family name "Fritsch", or why the priest wanted to explicitly outline the other records by adding a "heads up note" (NB).

...NB = nota bene = please note = indicates any extra note somewhere

Just to be precise/more comprehensive:

NB = nota bene = please note / colloquial: "heads up"

Such an addition either indicates any extra note somewhere or explicitly outlines an entry since there's anything special/remarkable about it.

Example: birth/baptism entries for illegitimate children quite often are "marked" by an "NB note".
