KB 1773-1830 Neuenbrunslar

Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel > Homberg > AltenbrunslarNeuenbrunslar > KB 1773-1830

Only the index of the church records is currently available. Are there plans to make the individual records available, too? Or is the index the only section to be digitized (or still exist)?

Assuming it will never be posted, could anyone help me contact whoever has the full records? There are some ancestors of mine in the index that I would love to learn more about.

the Situation for the parish Wolfershausen/Neuen- and Altenbrunslar is a bit more complicated.
It seems that the original church books for Wolfershausen and Brunslar between 1773-1830 were lost in World War 2. The parish told us, that they do not have the original books. Dates for Brunslar 1715-1773 are written in Wolferhausen, unfortunately the Quality of the filmed book is not very good.
Oh, thank you for the response.

That is sad news. It looks like my research ends with those destroyed/lost books.
Although the church books for this time have been destroyed, there are actually quite a few other resources available to fill in the gaps. You are by no means at the end of your research without those books. Please reply and let me know if you are still researching your family in Neuenbrunslar. I can then guide you as to where to find the other records.