Nassach - Dekanat Rugheim

Apologies for writing in English.

Is there a place we can post transcribed information about the records in archion? It seems this would make things a lot easier for other people looking for records, to search a text file rather than through all the images. I have created text files with some of the information (name, year, father, image #) for baptisms and marriages for the Nassach records in archion for the 1604-1667, 1668-1716, and 1716-1812 books, and would be happy to share them with other people. A wiki format might be nice so other people can correct any mistakes... Anyway, I would appreciate hearing if there is already a way to do something like this.

Dear Arthur,
you can try to use the UGC-function for uploading your transscription files: Transform your text files into pdf files and then use the UGC-Button to upload your pdf (concerning the corresponding church book). Actually this method seems not to lead to full success, but if you enter a content description (Gliederung) under Anmerkungen, this will appear and the not appearance of your text file you can claim by the Feedback form.
Example of a successful UGC-Upload: Landeskirchliches Archiv Hannover > Kirchenkreis Laatzen-Pattensen > Grasdorf > KB 1715-1780 > Inhaltsverzeichnis V2
Example of an unsuccessful UGC but with succesful Gliederung: Zentralarchiv der evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau > Dekanat Bad Schwalbach > Hohenstein > Taufregister 1592-1626, Trauregister 1592-1638,
with best greetings form Hannover, Germany
Thank you so much, I never noticed the UGC link on the right-hand side of the viewing screen before, that will work perfectly!