Neuhof? Niehoff? Neir Hoff? Near Hof?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but was hoping for some possible advice/guidance. My great great grandmother, who was named (I believe) Barbetta Lillian "Barbara" Bittner, was probably born around 1871 in Germany, but I didn't previously know where in Germany she was born. However, the naturalization record of her husband (who himself was from Austria-Hungary, not Germany) lists the location circled in red in the photos below.

I'm trying to figure out where this place is, and whether records from that specific location are available on Archion for me to search.

People on Ancestry have interpreted it to be "Niehoff, Germany," but as far as I know that's not a real place. Someone suggested to me it could be Neuhof, a municipality near Fulda in Hesse, which seems like a better possibility to me, though I understand there's also a village in Lower Saxony called Neuhof that could be it? (And yet someone else suggested it could have actually meant "near Hof," meaning Hof in Bavaria.)

Any thoughts would be welcome. Thank you!


Could be Neuhoff. There are several villages with this name, in East Prussia, West Prussia and Silesia. Today all in Poland or Kaliningrad area in Russia.
  • Neuhoff, Kreis Berent, Westpreußen, seit 1945: Nowy Dworzec, Ort im Powiat Kościerski, Woiwodschaft Pommern, Polen
  • Neuhoff, Kreis Kreuzburg, Schlesien, seit 1945: Nowy Dwór (Kietrz), Ort im Powiat Głubczycki, Woiwodschaft Oppeln, Polen
  • Neuhoff, Kreis Lötzen, Ostpreußen, seit 1945: Zelki (Wydminy), Ort im Powiat Giżycki, Woiwodschaft Ermland-Masuren, Polen
  • Neuhoff, Kreis Niederung/Elchniederung, Ostpreußen, ab 1946: Schanino, untergegangener Ort im Rajon Krasnosnamensk, Oblast Kaliningrad, Russland
  • Schloss Neuhoff (seit 1945: Nowy Dwór) in Schmiedeberg (seit 1945: Kowary) im Riesengebirge im Ortsteil Radociny, Powiat Jeleniogórski, Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien, von 1827 bis 1945 im Besitz der Fürsten von Reuß-Köstritz

since -as you said- this is a naturalization record for your 2G-grandfather which he either filled out himself or some other person / clerk filled it out for him, it came to the question about his wife and her German place of origin.

As it appears he either wasn't aware or at least wasn't really certain about the definite / correct place, he said / wrote: neir Hoff --- clearly recorded as being recognized / pronounced as contrary to the correct spelling = near.

This makes the area of origin for your 2G-grandmother to near Hof = bei Hof (Bavaria)

It definitely does not read: new .... = German: Neu....

I trust your 2G-grandmother and her husband were of Roman Catholic religious belief, right?
If so, you'll not find any records for her on Archion since Archion is basically a portal for Evangelical / Lutheran German churches.

It may be worth to read the "About us" here:

Good luck, Vera
Most sources I've seen refer to her last name as "Bittner," including hand-written notes left behind by her children. But in the naturalization record above, it appears to be documented as "Pitner." I am guessing Bittner is correct, unless the two names are interchangable...
Most sources I've seen refer to her last name as "Bittner," including hand-written notes left behind by her children. But in the naturalization record above, it appears to be documented as "Pitner." I am guessing Bittner is correct, unless the two names are interchangable...

They are interchangeable.

P or B, a single t or double tt - are simple name variations.

Wird mit a geschrieben aber vielleicht eine Spur?

Gebäude- und Einwohnerzahl​

  • 1838: 19 „Seelen“, 2 Häuser[14]
  • 1861: 12 Einwohner, 5 Gebäude[15]
  • 1871: 15 Einwohner, 6 Gebäude;
  • 1900: 18 Einwohner, 2 Wohngebäude[17]
  • 1925: 9 Einwohner, 1 Wohngebäude[18]
  • Nainhof gehörte zur katholischen Pfarrei Hohenfels im Bistum Regensburg.[21] Um 1950 war Nainhof eine Expositur zu dieser Pfarrei.[10]
  • Die evangelischen Christen gehörten um 1950 zur Tochterkirchengemeinde Nainhof-Hohenfels des evangelisch-lutherischen exponierten Vikariats Parsberg.[10]
Awesome !

and here’s the parents’ marriage record

On March 6, 1864 (Dominica Laetare) in Neuhof an der Zenn
Buettner Johann Georg, day laborer, ev. luth. , unmarried, born March 23, 1835 in Neuhof, (died May 6, 1898)
was married to
Anna Margaretha Stroebel, a weaver’s daughter, ev. luth, unmarried, born November 24, 1839 in Trautskirchen

groom’s parents: Lienhard Buettner, day laborer here, and Veronica Kornbausch
bride’s parents: Johann Stroebel and Anna Margeretha Fischer (in Trautskirchen)
Wow! Incredible! Thank you so miuch for this, it's very exciting and I can't wait to put this information into my tree!

It's funny, my last one-month pass for Archion just ended like TWO DAYS ago. LOL But looks like I'll have to (gladly) get another pass so I can access these records and search for more information about these new ancestors! :)