(Nr.) 44
(husband’s name) Herr Carl Otto Fridrich Herrmann, Oeconom
(his age) 25 Jahr⟨e⟩ 6 M⟨onate⟩
___ Ist des positions __sig?
(previously married) Nein
(bride’s name) Jungfrau Albertine Friderica Emilie Klix(*)
(her age) 24 J⟨ahre⟩ 11 M⟨onate⟩
(bride’s father) Der Vater war der vorher | verstorbene Mühlenm⟨ei⟩ster _ Carl Frid?⟨rich⟩ Wilhelm Klix
___ Ist des positions __sig?
(previously married) Nein
(marriage date) den Elften 11 December ⟨1849⟩
see her birth record here:
( born January 14, 1825, baptized February 9,
parents: the citizen and millwright/mill master Carl Friedr:⟨ich⟩ Wilhelm Klix
and his wife Caroline Friederike Brackrock )