Reading Support Gerd Friederich Claussing

Gerd Friederich from Rehden born 11/12 1764 parents were Fried. Klausing and Anna Mettte Schilling baptised on the 13th. Married Feb 26 1802 to (Rebecca) Knoost from Dickel. Survived by 2 sons and 3 daughters?

I don't know much German, but at the bottom it talks about the kids who went to Bremen. The surname Rapking is behind an ink smudge and is the name of the husband of one daughter who came from Bremen to America in 1847.

I would appreciate ANYTHING that can be read from this record. As much as possible. Wife's death is similar and I will post in a separate thread. OK to respond in German if that is best.
Much thanks!
Hello Lynn,

could you please post a "Permalink" which directly points to the record for which you need help?

Or alternatively exactly describe which church register, which page, which record....

From you description above I was under the impression that you were talking about church registers for Rehden, then followed the URL you posted and ended up on page #1 of the church registers for Jacobidrebber???
Now I'm kind of confused I have to admit.


Thank you for your reply! I'm sorry the link didn't work. I'm not sure how to make the right kind of link. Hopefully this information will help:

Gerd Friederich Claussing died 11 December 1845
Archion Hannover, Diepholz, Jacobidrebber, (Konf Tr B 1831-1850) Bild 175

Thank you again!

Thanks again, Lynn.

First, here's the so-called Permalink to your record of interest:

(in order to create such a link: while looking at a church register record, point with your mouse cursor on the "horizontal V" appearing in the list of viewer tools above the image and you should immediately see the tool tip "Permalink"; now click on it; a new screen opens to the right; now re-adjust the image on the left, so that most if not all of the record you need help with becomes visible; in case you want to include zoom-grade and image portion/position into the Permalink, check the corresponding box in the screen on the right; now click "Permalink erstellen" ("Do it" ;) ) and the Permalink will be created; now copy the link from the screen on the right and paste it into your post to the forum...)

As to the transcription of this record's final part (all other portions of information are already known to you), talking about his surviving children, please note that -at least for me- a great number of question marks remain. That said the following is nothing more than a start...

... aus welcher Ehe erfolgten Kinder (children from this marriage)
dah. (dahier - born at this place) 2 S. (Soehne - 2 sons) u (und - and) 3 T. Toechter die alle noch leben (3 daughters all still alive)
der (???) Sohn als Haeusl. (Haeusling) in Rehden (one son as small farmer in Rehden)
(?ein?) (?anderer?) in (?B??? - name of the place where one of the surviving son resides; I would doubt that this place name reads "Bremen"; however, this place name for sure has nothing to do with any port of emigration! - one other son in ???), eine T. (Tochter) in... (one daughter in...)
(rest almost undecipherable for me, sorry - with a lot of "imagination" the family name "Rapking" seems to be mentioned)

Sorry for not being able to help any further than this. I trust, however, that other members of this forum will jump in.

Good luck
Glad I could help.

(A perfect Permalink. ;) - Regarding the "tutorial": you're more than welcome.)

As to the note for Johann Heinrich Clausing:

holte seinen Taufschein zur Eingehung
der Ehe in Bremen 5/2 38; der Schneiderpro-
fession beflissen

requested (literally: collected) a baptism certificate due to getting married in Bremen 5/2 38; (his profession:) a solicitous taylor

So he should be one of the surviving sons being referred to in his father's death record who resided in Bremen (this record proves my former impression to be incorrect with regard to the word "Bremen")

5/2 38 should be his date of marriage in Bremen - beware of the German date format: day, month, year, the latter in this case abbreviated to two digits only - here: February 2, 1838

Hope that helps to add another piece to the jigsaw.


Again, thank you! This is especially interesting to have the little details like his profession! I really really appreciate all of your help! I love that the Vicar in Jacobidrebber often included that extra information.

You did an incredible job on that record for Gerd Friederich Claussing. That handwriting is a mess! I can hardly imagine someone getting more than that out of it.

I am wondering about records for Bremen, now. Are they available? I am guessing that they will be under Hannover (not sure on that point) and they are not online yet?

The world can always use more smileys! Have a GREAT day and thanks again. I am sure I will be posting again with other records now that I have mastered the permalink!
...I am wondering about records for Bremen, now. Are they available? I am guessing that they will be under Hannover (not sure on that point) and they are not online yet?


thanks for your very kind words - glad I could help a little.

Regarding records from Bremen: I'm afraid but they are not under Hannover. And for the time being they will also not be made (online) available on Archion.

Contact the "Maus Bremen" Society for Family Research in Bremen.

or in English


I hope they will be able to help.

