records for Frankfurt administrative districtof the Brandenburg State Archive

Sternberg is a whole county, actually two counties Oststernberg and Weststernberg. The town Cummwitz does not exist and must be a reading mistake.
I think your information is from this website:
This website says that the list is a "Auszug aus der Kartei mit Auswanderern aus dem Regierungsbezirk Frankfurt des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs, zum Stichwort Sternberg."
So, I used the database of the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv to look for families from Cummwitz and I found this family
They are in fact from Limmritz, not Cummwitz. This might explain the reading mistake. Limmritz could be Alt Limmritz, Oststernberg, or Neu Limmritz, Oststernberg. Church books of Alt Limmritz don't exist any more. The parish for Neu Limmritz is Woxfelde, but those church books are also not preserved.