Schweinfurt church books

Hi. I noticed that, within the listings for Dekanat Schweinfurt in Bavaria, there are no records for the church in the actual city of Schweinfurt. I also checked the list on the archive's site (, and they don't show it, either. Does anyone know whether those records might show up on Archion one day, or is this one of those cases where the records were lost/destroyed at some point in the past?

in Moment sind noch ca. 40% der Kirchenbücher vor Ort in der Gemeinde und daher noch nicht verfilmt.
In den nächsten 10 Jahren sollen alle Kirchenbücher auch hier zugänglich sein.

Für dei Stadt Schweinfurt liegen diese noch vor Ort:
siehe hier:

diese setzen 1555 ein.


Thanks for the reply. I had no idea that there were still so many of the church books that were never even microfilmed. I figured it was only a matter of digitization at this point. That's good to know that they weren't lost or anything.