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Looking for some help with the church books. I can read names locations and a few other words, but I could use some help. Glad to pay. Please advise from Walter metateman
You'll i.e. find answers: How to find church registers - how to book a pass in order to get access to the digitally available church registers - how to ask for reading help with church book records you've found etc etc.
And please explicitly note that you cannot search Archion for names or dates, as opposed to i.e. FamilySearch and the like - but instead for places of church registers only!
Hello I know how to use Archion to look for the registers. Using since they started some years back. I can just use some help with a few of the words I cannot make out. Some entries in the Godparents section I haven’t been able to discern so this is why I ask for help In translations. Opportunity for some one to make a little extra euros or $$ By helping me out. This is a wonderful tool for our research. Thanks Archion for all this had work you do for us who seek to learn of our ancestors.
Mit unseren Permalinks können Sie auf eine ganz bestimmte Stelle einer Kirchenbuchseite auf Archion verlinken, um im Forum darüber zu diskutieren oder Lesehilfe zu einem bestimmten Eintrag zu erhalten. With our permalinks, you can link to a very specific place on a church book page on Archion...
Please post one topic per request for help in the forum "Lesehilfe" / "Reading Aid".