Unknown term under the ...already been married... column

Berndt/Skibbe marriage

The first marriage record for 1853 (the 5th record from the top of the page) is between Ludwig Berndt and Charlotte Skibbe. In the 4th column over, under the heading of "Whether he had already been married..." the term in the column for that record appears to be "segnrirt" which loosely translates to "blessed". However I am not certain whether that is the correct translation and if it is correct what is the meaning or significance of the term Blessed.
If there is someone who can give me a better translation or an appropriate meaning for the term I would be very greatful

Michael Loar
4th column

Ob die Eltern oder der Vormund die Einwilligung gegeben und wie solches geschehen

5th column

Ob er schon verehelicht gewesen und wie die Ehe getrauet


The term in question reads:



Kind regards, Vera
You are correct. The column I am referring to is probably the 5th or 6th column over. It is the column that refers to previous marriage.