von Berge and Alavoine

I'm researching von Berge family in Prussia and Berlin.

Sofia Wilhelmine von BERGE, daughter of Major von Berge (maybe from Liegnitz, Schlesien)
married French teacher Jean-Louis ALAVOINE and lived in Frankfurt/Oder

Maybe was her sister Juliane von Berge (+ 1780) second wife of Otto Sigismund BERNHARDI

A possible relation: ? Schenkendorf married with BERG(E), sister of Carl Asmus von Schenkendorff
Regarding "Alavoine" are you already aware of this thread


Other than that the information you provided is not enough for targeted / on the point help, sorry.

Which databases, church registers, online websites etc. did you already use for your research?

It doesn't make any sense at all -and is close to a waste of time for anybody willing to help- to provide information which are already known to you.

So please be way more specific.....

Thank you.
I only ask users if they have encountered a Major von Berge in the Prussian databases (years 1750-1785)
Starting from Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin where I assume that Major von Berge moved.
Specifically I am trying to find
1) between 1770 and 1773: marriage of Jean Louis Alavoine and Sofia Wilhelmine vonBerge
2) 1801: marriage of Henriette Julienne Alavoine with Johann Friedrich Bollinger (in Berlin MarienKirche there are only the publications)
3) between 1798 and 1805; marriage of Sofia Alavoine with Herr Copal

Jean-Louis Alavione is mentioned as a teacher for the French language at the University of Frankfurt/Oder since 1773

Thanks for the additional information.

Other than that Archion has no "Prussian databases" which can automatically be searched for names. Instead each online available church book has to be searched page by page.

Church registers for the reformed parish in Frankfurt/Oder are available for research here:

I have already find in Frankfurt/Oder registers, but I don't know why there aren't Alavoine daughters marriages.

Sophia Alavoine (b.1780)
married "de Copal" (so in a French document), mybe from von Coppal family?
She was still alive in 1839 (last will of her sister Wilhelmine)

Julienne Diane Henriette Alavoine (b.1778)
married Johann Friedrich Bollinger
(Jan.1801 banns in register of the evangelical Marienkirche in Berlin, page 178/179, prenumber 1/1801): maybe in teh last lines is indicated the church where the wedding was celebrated (unreadable for me)
Julienne Diane Henriette Alavoine (b.1778)
married Johann Friedrich Bollinger
(Jan.1801 banns in register of the evangelical Marienkirche in Berlin, page 178/179, prenumber 1/1801): maybe in teh last lines is indicated the church where the wedding was celebrated (unreadable for me)
This last line reads:

Von Seiten der Katholischen Kirche getraut.
