Hello all. I have a two-part question.
1. My ancestor (Maria Barbara WEINHEIMER) married in Rommersheim in 1740. Her father is Jacob WEINHEIMER of Wallertheim. I have not found the birth date of Maria Barbara, nor information about her parents. When I look on GEDBAS, I see a user with who has WEINHEIMERs listed as being born in Wallertheim and baptized in Partenheim, but the user does not specify the sources of information. Does anyone have suggestions for viewing Partenheim records?
2. The GEDBAS page provides an email address for the user I would be interested in contacting: xxxxxx@gmx.de. Is that email available for any person to write to the user, or is it just for members of compgen.de? I am not a paying member of this association.
Thank you for any guidance.
1. My ancestor (Maria Barbara WEINHEIMER) married in Rommersheim in 1740. Her father is Jacob WEINHEIMER of Wallertheim. I have not found the birth date of Maria Barbara, nor information about her parents. When I look on GEDBAS, I see a user with who has WEINHEIMERs listed as being born in Wallertheim and baptized in Partenheim, but the user does not specify the sources of information. Does anyone have suggestions for viewing Partenheim records?
2. The GEDBAS page provides an email address for the user I would be interested in contacting: xxxxxx@gmx.de. Is that email available for any person to write to the user, or is it just for members of compgen.de? I am not a paying member of this association.
Thank you for any guidance.