zeigender Finger

Does anyone know what the pointing finger means? I see these everywhere in the Uehlfeld Taufen records. At first I thought it meant illegitimate, but I don't believe that is correct. Perhaps there is a clue in the text - which I cannot completely read.

that means that th parents are not married, the child was ilegal.

But these got married later.

Sorry for my bad english.

Best regards

That is what I thought it meant too. But doesn't it say:

"Andreas, Heinrich Schmidt, und seine Ehe. Weib Margaretha..."

Doesn't that translate to "and his legal wife Margaretha"? Or have I translated incorrectly?

I should be apologizing for my bad German - this is a German website after all. Danke für Ihre Hilfe.


the pointing finger in general means that the recoding priest wants to explicitly mark/note/bring to everbody's attention something.

It's a graphical mark i.e. for the Latin words "nota bene", abbreviated as NB (which you may also find instead in similar cases) - meaning: "please note" or in a more colloquial way "heads up".

Other than that you're right. However, there's a tiny but important aspect missing, since the text reads (I don't transcribe everything in order to make it easier to understand):

Andreas Heinrich Schmidts, und seines Eheweibs Mar-
garetha einer gebohrenen Bauerin frühzeitiges Söhnlein
wurde gebohren den 21. Januar, und folgenden Tags getauft,
nachdem die Eltern den 5. Jan. .... copuliret worden.....

Translation to English:

The little son, not born in time (literally: too early born), of Andreas Heinrich Schmidt and his legal wife, Margaretha, nee Bauer, was born on January 21 and baptized on the following day, after the parents got legally married on January 5....

In other words: the parents had an indecent sexual relationship prior to their marriage (that's what the priest wanted to bring to everybody's attention and as the record further tells the couple had to do penance prior to their marriage), got married shortly before this child was born, so that this child wasn't illegitimately born.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for that description Vera. A quick search of "nota bene" shows that the finger is called a manicule. I had no idea.

Thank you also for the extended translation. That explains why I have not been able to find their marriage in the Trauungen records.
Thank you Sven!

What made you look in Dachsbach? Was there a clue, or were you just searching the surrounding areas?

ich kann die nur in deutsch schreiben.
ich dachte mir schon das dort keine Heirat zu finden ist, wenn man ein
Voreheliches Kind hatte, man ging zum heiraten immer in eine andere Gemeinde, dies hab ich schon oft selber bei meinen Vorfahren erlebt.
Vera kann es die eventuell in englisch schreiben.

Gerne welche ich weiter, soweit wie möglich.

Best regards

Vielen Dank Sven.

Das ist interessant, wenn sie ein Vorheheliches Kind hatte, dass sie heiraten würde an anderer Stelle.

Ich kann nur ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Ich entschuldige mich auf English zu schreiben. Google Translate hilft aber.

Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Hilfe.

die beiden haben ja vor der Geburt des Kindes geheiratet,
es ist ja auch zu früh gekommen.
Es war halt ein Kind außerhalb der Ehe gezeugt.
Der Pfarrer schreib, es wurde gegen das 6 Gebot gesündigt, und nach Buße in der Betstunde verheiratet.