1745 Heirat - Siptenfelde

Anno 1745 den 9ten Maij
Ist Siegf[ried] Jacob Wetter ein Pfeiffenmacher,
mit Fr[au] Jne [Johanne?] Marg[arethe] weyl[and] Mstr [Meister] Julius Franckenstein
eines Pfeiffenmachers hinterlassen Wittibe
nach 3 mahl[igem] auffgeboth copuliret

Siegf[ried] Jacob Wetter, a pipe maker,
was married after three proclamations with
Miss Jne [Johanne?] Marg[arethe], widow of the
deceased master pipe maker Julius Franckenstein
Thank you very much for your transcription and translation - the entry is what I was looking for! I have the bride name as JULIANA MARGARETHE.

Kind regards,

Ellen (USA)