
Was ist dieser Beruf?

Die Definition, die ich online finde, lautet "Besitzer des Adlergasthofs (im Zeichen des Adlers)" (

——Warum so spezifisch? Ist das etwas, das viele Städte haben würden?


What is this occupation?

The definition I find online is "proprietor of the Eagle Inn (at the sign of the eagle)" (

——Why so specific? Is this something that many towns would have?

don‘t you i.e. have

eagle head inn
shepherds bar
cattle cottage bar and grill

and many more in the U.S. as well?

It‘s a simple name.

don‘t you i.e. have

eagle head inn
shepherds bar
cattle cottage bar and grill

and many more in the U.S. as well?

It‘s a simple name.

Nun, nicht zu viele, es sei denn, sie versuchen, "altmodisch" zu klingen.(Eigentlich ist es hier ziemlich selten.)

Natürlich war dieser Rekord in alten Zeiten, aber die USA sind nicht sehr alt. :)

Aber was ich daran seltsam fand, ist nicht der Name, sondern die Tatsache, dass ich ihn in einer Online-Berufsliste (oben verlinkt) gefunden habe... wundern, warum.

Ich hoffe, das macht mehr Sinn.

Well, not too many unless they're trying to sound "old-timey." (Actually it's fairly rare here.)

Of course this record was written in old times, but the U.S. isn't very old. :)

But what I thought was odd about it isn't the name—it's the fact that I found it in an online list of occupations (linked above)... implying that *this* name might be extremely popular in Germany, and I was wondering why.

I hope that makes more sense.
Thank you. I now see your point.

However, please don't derive to much from this collection.

Again: it's a simple name - some being a bit more popular than others.
