death translations

den 24ten Martii ward Claas Dusten Eh(e)frau Sophie
Dorthie Hennings begraben

(Claas Dust's wife, Sophie Dorthie née Hennings, was buried on March 24.)

den 15ten Maij ist Levin Dusten Sohn Jürgen Christian
begraben. Starb am Husten

(The son of Levin Dust, Jürgen Christian, was buried on May 15. He died of a cough.)

I cannot recognize a death of Daniel Dust this year. The death mentioned here from “24th July” has a different surname (“Suhren” or something similar).

Although it is off-topic here I didn't want to skip it, since your previous statement regarding the burned church books of Röckwitz prior to 1737 seems to be correct, based on this note at the immediate beginning of the book for baptisms

Die älteren Kirchenbücher sind leider beim
Brande der Pfarre c. 1754 oder 1755 mit ver-

[Unterschrift] [Pfarrer] Romberg


The older church books unfortunately also burnt upon a fire at the parsonage circa [in the year] 1754 or 1755.

[signature] [priest] Romberg