Johann Leonhard Matthes in Bönnigheim

Hi, the 3rd record down appears to be the marriage of a Maria Elisabeth Matthes with father Johann Leonard Matthes. Does it tell us anything else about the father? I believe the date is 27 February 1789 - can that be confirmed? Many Thanks, Karen.
Maria Elisabetha, weyl[and] Johann
Leonard Matthes, gewesenen
B[ürgers] u[nd] Weingärtners allh[ier] ehl[ich] led[ige]

The father of the bride was already deceased, former citizen and wine grower in Bönnigheim.
She was his legitimate daughter and not married before.

I think it says 27. Januari, there is no b in it.
At first there was an F as the first letter, but then it was corrected to a J.
Between records 20 and 22 here appears to be a reference to Leonard Matthes, winemaker. Is this his death at age 48? And does it give any further detail? Thanks!
Den 22 ten Leonhard Mattheß, Weingärtner, aet:
48. Jahre.
NB: starb an seinem Geburtstag, welches er wenige Tage
zuvor gewußt, und Beher?zet, daß er an diesem seinem
Geburtstag sterben werde.
Leonhard Matthes, Weingärttner und
Beysitzer alhier, wey[land] Leonhard Matthesen
gewesenen Burgers und Weingärttners zu
Dörzbach Hohfreyherr[schaftlicher] Eybischen Herrschaft [Sohn]
mit Maria Magdakena, Mattheus
Etzels, Burgers und Weingärttners
alhier Ehe[lichen] Tochter. Cop[uliret] den 17. Novbr.

So the late father, also Leonhard Matthes, was from Dörzbach.

This is super interesting - I have done a google translate into English (see below) which is probably not accurate. Can you correct for me? I am very interested in the reference to the von 'Eyb' family - I am interested in the link between my family and theirs.

Many Thanks, Karen.

Mr Google
"Leonhard Matthes, winegrower and
assessor here, wey[land] Leonhard Matthesen
former citizen and winegrower in
Dörzbach, High Free Lord of the Eybian Dominion [son]
with Maria Magdakena, Mattheus
Etzels, citizen and winegrower
here, legitimate daughter. Cop[uliret] on 17 November."
The word that is translated wrongly is Hochfreiherrschaftlich, as it is abbreviated it could also be Hochfreiherrlich. Not really translatable.

The nobility rank of the Eyb family was Freiherr. Here as an adjective modified to Ho[c]h-freiherrlich. Not 100% sure, but it might refer to the fact that they were also Reichfreiherren (not an official titel), that means Freiherren who had gotten the sovereignity over an area directly by the Holy Roman Emperor. They usually were part of the Reichsritterschaft.
The Eybs were Reichsfreiherren e.g. for Dörzbach but also for a lot of other towns and villages that were reichsunmittelbar.

So what the text basically tells us, is that Dörzbach was under the sovereignity of the Reichsfreiherren von Eyb.
And the word "assessor" is not the correct translation.
A Beisitzer means a local inhabitant with limited rights, in opposition to a Bürger = citizen with full citizen rights.

And there is a typo - the bride's name is of course Maria Magdalena - no k here :)