Scharpff Hanß Georg (and wife Margaretha)

Guten Abend,

I have found a few documents that I believe related to the couple in question. I would appreciate your help in figuring out the information.

Hanß Georg - birth record 22 March 1673 -
Is the father's name Hanß Caspar? Any maiden name for the mother Magdalena? What is that word under her name?

Hanß Georg & Margaretha - marriage record 2 Feb 1700 -
Again, his father's name seems to be Caspar.
What does it say about Margaretha?

Margaretha - death record 25 Sept 1727 -
Based on death date and age, she should have been born around May 1663. Right?

Hanß Georg - death record 2 Nov 1727 (same page as his wife, at the very bottom) -
Could this be him? Ten years younger than his wife?
I looked through 1749 and did not find anyone else with his name.

Vielen Dank in advance!
Hanß Georg - birth record 22 March 1673 -
Is the father's name Hanß Caspar? Any maiden name for the mother Magdalena? What is that word under her name?

yes, Hanß Caspar Scharpff, Beckh (= baker). The name below Magdalena is her maiden name, same as in the row below: Juppenlatz

Hanß Georg & Margaretha - marriage record 2 Feb 1700 -
Again, his father's name seems to be Caspar.
What does it say about Margaretha?

den. 6. Febr.
Ist folgende ehe bestättiget worden, namlichen Hans Jerg
Scharpff Caspar Scharpffens bürgers und beckens allhir
ehlicher Sohne mit Margretha weyland Hans Haugens
hinterlassener Wittib.

February 6th
The following marriage has been confirmed, namely Hans Jerg (= Georg)
Scharpff, Caspar Scharpff's citizen and baker here
legitimate son with Margretha formerly Hans Haug's
left-behind widow.

Margaretha - death record 25 Sept 1727 -
Based on death date and age, she should have been born around May 1663. Right?

Hanß Georg - death record 2 Nov 1727 (same page as his wife, at the very bottom) -
Could this be him? Ten years younger than his wife?
I looked through 1749 and did not find anyone else with his name.

Margaretha was old 64 years minus 4 weeks. So she should be born in October 1663.

Yes, that's him. He was old 54 years, 7 months and nine days. So the computed date March,22 1673 exactly matches his birth date.

The reason for the age differenceis that it was already Margaretha's second marriage. First marriage with Hans Haug was in January 1695:

eodem die
Sind copulieret worden Hans Haug Bürger und Wittwer
mit Margaretha weyl. Hans Popen Sel. gewesnen
Bürgers und Zimmermans in Enzberg Closter Maulbronner
Ambts hinderlassene Tochter.

the same day (January, 27)
Have been married Hans Haug citizen and widower
with Margaretha formerly Hans Pop's/Popen's deceased
citizen's and carpenter's in Enzberg in the district of
Monastery Maulbronn left-behind daughter.

The marriage of Caspar Scharpff and Magdalena Juppenlatz is here:

den 14. May sind copulirt worden Hanß Caspar Scharpff
Hannß Scharpffens Seel(ig) gewesenen Bürgers zu Schanbach
hinderlaßener ehelicher Sohn, und Magdalena Wolffgang
Juppenlatzen bürgers alhier Eheliche Tochter.

The 14th of May have been married Hanß Caspar Scharpff
Hannß Scharpff's deceased citizen in Schanbach
left-behind legitimate son, and Magdalena, Wolffgang
Juppenlatz's citizen here legitimate daughter.

with Margaretha formerly Hans Pop's/Popen's deceased
citizen's and carpenter's in Enzberg in the district of
Monastery Maulbronn left-behind daughter.

Enzberg records before 1721 can be found in the parish registers of Niefern. Here Margarethas birth:

No. 41
den 25. 8bris (October, 25)
Anna Margaretha
Hans Bopp Zimmermann et ux. Anna (H.B. carpenter and his wife Anna)
... (list of witnesses)

So the real family name was Bopp.
Guten Morgen Bernd,

Wow! Thank you is not enough for all the work that you did. Far from expecting anything like that. You went way over what I had asked for. I can imagine you are as passionate as I am in researching.

Since you are such a wiz, may I ask you one more thing?

Hanß Georg and Anna Margaretha had a daughter, Agatha (which is the direct ancestor of my friend).
They married in 1700 and I have found at least two sons, Hanß Georg b.1703 and Hans Jacob in 1705.

According to the death record of Agatha - 11 Feb 1756 -
she should have been born in 1700. I looked everywhere but I cannot find her. I don't understand why.

Vielen Dank nochmal!

Hanß Georg & Margaretha - marriage record 2 Feb 1700 -
Again, his father's name seems to be Caspar.
What does it say about Margaretha?

den. 6. Febr.
Ist folgende ehe bestättiget worden, namlichen Hans Jerg
Scharpff Caspar Scharpffens bürgers und beckens allhir
ehlicher Sohne mit Margretha weyland Hans Haugens
hinterlassener Wittib.

February 6th
The following marriage has been confirmed, namely Hans Jerg (= Georg)
Scharpff, Caspar Scharpff's citizen and baker here
legitimate son with Margretha formerly Hans Haug's
left-behind widow.
Guten Morgen Bernd,

Wow! Thank you is not enough for all the work that you did. Far from expecting anything like that. You went way over what I had asked for. I can imagine you are as passionate as I am in researching.

Since you are such a wiz, may I ask you one more thing?

Hanß Georg and Anna Margaretha had a daughter, Agatha (which is the direct ancestor of my friend).
They married in 1700 and I have found at least two sons, Hanß Georg b.1703 and Hans Jacob in 1705.

According to the death record of Agatha - 11 Feb 1756 -
she should have been born in 1700. I looked everywhere but I cannot find her. I don't understand why.

Vielen Dank nochmal!

I didn't find Agatha either. She should be born in December 1700, if the age provided in her death record is correct. However, there is no Agatha Scharpff, even in the years before and after.

So there are different options:

1) the baptism was somewhere else. maybe the mother visited some relatives, and the birth was there.
2) the priest, by mistake, noted it somewhere else in the parish registers
3) he didn't take a note at all. sometimes the priests were travelling and their deputies didn't know what to do and forgot to tell him, when he was back.

Okay, I understand. Thank you for the clarification.

I didn't find Agatha either. She should be born in December 1700, if the age provided in her death record is correct. However, there is no Agatha Scharpff, even in the years before and after.

So there are different options:

1) the baptism was somewhere else. maybe the mother visited some relatives, and the birth was there.
2) the priest, by mistake, noted it somewhere else in the parish registers
3) he didn't take a note at all. sometimes the priests were travelling and their deputies didn't know what to do and forgot to tell him, when he was back.