searching Levin Düst birth 1732 married 1751 Zwiedorf to Catharin Hennings

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Online available church registers for the church district Mecklenburg can be found here

(incl. only one entry for Zwiedorf)

Since Archion doesn't have any automated search i.e. based on an index by name or the like, you need to browse thru the relevant church registers yourself in order to find records pertaining to your research.

In order to access the records you need to buy a Pass at Archion ----


As your data on FamilySearch shows I doubt that "Zwiedorf" is the only place of relevance / interest for your research.
im struggling to find Levin birth record, any suggestions ive tried the zwiedorf, Röckwitz, Ivenack, Wolde, Kastorfand i cant find him
Since you suggest that you've already found his marriage record, what exactly(!) does that record tell about his parents/father, and/or his place of birth?

I am very sorry, but I "hate" having to go back and forth to any third party application while trying to help, or come up with ideas.
OK, that 1751 marriage record is also online at Archion

Church register for Röckwitz - marriages 1751 Zwiedorf

den 29ten Octob[er] sind copulirt Levin Dust mit Catharin Elisa-
beth Hennings

On October 29, 1751 were married Levin Dust and Catharin Elisabeth Hennings
In April 1750 there's a Michel Levin Dust, serving as a godparent in a baptism

Did you already closely check all the birth/baptism records for the children from the marriage "Dust - Henning" with special attention to the godparents' names?
Sometimes obvious relatives serve as godparent and if they come form another place that may shed light on where to look next.
ok ill check that, i found a few more of there children
eva dortee born 1752, johan Fridrich born october 28,1754, Jürgen Christian born January 14,2757, Christopher born March 13,1758
Magdalena Sophia born June 17,1760, Anna Christiana born Oct 23,1762, Carl friedrich christopher bornApril 21,1767,Trina Marie born September 28,1769, Marie born dec 20,1770, ana catharina born? and Johan born Jsnuary 2,1780.
In addition: there are no older church registers for Röckwitz / Zwiedorf existing prior to 1737. For about 10 years prior to 1737 there even hasn't been any pastor serving at that church.

Source: Die Kirchenbücher Mecklenburgs by Dr. Friedrich Stuhr

Röckwitz (Zwiedorf), Pr. Stavenhagen, Ma.

T. 1737. Tr. 1738. B. 1743. Cfm. 1816.

Bem. 1) Die Register sind auf der Pfarre. 2) Ueber den Verlust älterer Kirchenbücher geht aus den Pfarracten nichts hervor, dagegen berichtet Adam Christopher von Blücher in einem von 1730 -1780 geführten ausführlichen Tagebuch, daß, als nach 10 jähriger Vacanz die Röckwitzer Pfarre im Jahre 1737 wieder besetzt sei, " das gantze Pfarr Gehöft ruiniret" gewesen wäre, sagt aber nicht, wodurch dies geschehen sei. Vielleicht erklärt sich aus der Vacanz das Fehlen der älteren Kirchenbücher. (Pastor Paepke an das Archiv vom 13. September 1893.) 3) Die Eintragungen für Wolde, das bis 1828 mit Röckwitz combinirt war, und die Eintragungen für Borgfeld aus der Vacanzzeit von 1739-1751 sind im Röckwitzer Kirchenbuch.
[end of quote]
i cant make out what that says?

Wolde 1738

dn 19ten Martii ist Claas Dusten Sohn getaufft, und
genannt Jochim Friedrich.
Gevatter: Fräul[ein] Christiana v[on] Moltzahn

On March 19, 1738 a son of Claas Dust was baptized, named Jochim Friedrich
Godmother: Miss Christiana von Moltzahn


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In April 1750 there's a Michel Levin Dust, serving as a godparent in a baptism

Did you already closely check all the birth/baptism records for the children from the marriage "Dust - Henning" with special attention to the godparents' names?
Sometimes obvious relatives serve as godparent and if they come form another place that may shed light on where to look next.
could you translate that baptism record? thank you
could you translate that baptism record? thank you

[Zwiedorf 1750]

dn 9tn April ist Martin Marlow sein Sohn
/aus unkeuschem Ehebette erzeuget/ Michel
Fridrich getaufft, seine Pathen waren
Michel Levin Dust .....

On April 9, 1750 a son -conceived out of wedlock-, named Michel Fridrich, of Martin Marlow was baptized.
His godparents were: Michel Levin Dust .....
if the older church records burned in fire?

Were did you learn that the "church records burned in a fire"???
At least my quote from the above mentioned book regarding "Mecklenburg church registers" did not tell that.

Instead it simply tells that no older church records exist, are lost or whatsoever - there is no mention of any potential fire....

In addition the quoted text tells, that for a period of 10 years -prior(!) to 1737- there was no pastor / priest in that parish, say the church was desert / desolate.

how can i trace family line?

Well, closely check the church registers of the parishes next to Röckwitz / in the immediate surroundings of Röckwitz.

People gave birth, got married, died regardless if they had their "own priest" or not.
So you may have a chance to find these records in "nearby" parishes.

That might be a tedious approach - but in many cases it's the only chance....

In case all that fails other archives (like the State Archive of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) may be contacted i.e. in order to find inhabitant lists or any other records which may or may not provided names of potential family members "Dust at Zwiedorf".
However, please explicitly note that I wrote "potential family members" and not(!) exactly the immediate person you're looking for.
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