Translation Help

I have found an entry that appears to be a person I am looking for, Alma Wappler.
I can make out the date as December 26, 1878, which matches a date I have for the birth of Max Wappler, who came to the United States in 1891 with his mother.
Unfortunately, I cannot make out the rest of the writing on this entry. To me, it looks like a birth entry for Anna Wappler. It also appears to me that Alma Wappler is not married, or at least does not have a husband. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
The entry appears as the first entry here:

Thank you
Alma Anna Wappler was a twin sister to
Osmar Bernhard Wappler,

father: Carl Friedrich Wappler, master ‚Strumpfwirker‘ and citizen in Schleiz
mother: Mrs Maria Louise Caroline née Schmidt from Weimar
born: on Wednesday, April 6 1859 at 9 a.m.
baptism: on Sunday, April 10, 1859, by ‚Archid⟨iacon⟩' Manke
I have another.

#31 Marriage of Carl Wappler & Maria Schmidt
I can make out the names of Carl, Maria, and I believe the faather of Carl is Johann Georg Wappler.
I think the date is December 11? Taht is all I can make out
1850. (Nr.) 31. Wappler

Carl Friedrich Wappler, Strumpfwirker, des wei⟨land⟩ (=deceased)
Herrn Johan Georg Wappler, gewes⟨enen⟩ Schullehrers in Öttersdorf
und Einw.⟨ohners⟩ allh.⟨ier⟩ jüngster Sohn, vierter Ehe

Maria Caroline Louise Schmidt
des Carl Ernst Gottlob Schmidt,
gewes⟨enen⟩ Großherzog⟨lich⟩ Sächsischen
Stabsfouriers in Apolda, hinter⟨lassene⟩
ehe⟨liche⟩ Tochter

(proclamations) Fest. nativ.⟨itatis⟩ J⟨esu⟩ Chr⟨isti⟩
fer⟨ia⟩ II (=2) & Dom.⟨inicae⟩ bin⟨ae⟩
sqq ⟨=sequentes⟩ (=the two following sundays)

(marriage) auswärts (=out of town)

marriage in Apolda on February 2, 1851
I really appreciate your help. I can read some of the German, but some of the script is difficult. I am doing genealogy for my family and my wifes family here in Wisconsin, USA. My wife studies German as a hobby and can help me with words, but not script. My daughter is a German High School teacher.
(sex and name of child) Tochter Auguste Marie Elsa
(parents’ name) Wapple, Osmar Bernhard, Wirker u.⟨nd⟩ Ehefr.⟨au⟩ Minna geb.⟨orene⟩ Schwibbach
(Taufe No) 91.
II. Mädchenklasse (No) 24
(child) Wappler, Marie
(parents) Karl Wappler, Strumpfwirker
(birth location) Apolda
(birth day) 1856, 26. Dez.⟨ember⟩
(Stadtgemeinde: ) Stdt
I need help with the entry #316 for Marie Wappler. I can make out the months , but not the dates.
ir looks like the following entry for the baptiam is 5 Januar, but this entry doesn't look like 4 Januar. And please what is the 2nd column
(No) 316.
(place of birth, house No) Tränke 358.
(born) sechs und zwanzigster December (December 26) früh 7 Uhr
(bapt.) achtzehnter Januar (January 18)
(sex, name) Töchterlein Marie
(parents) Karl Wappler, u.⟨nd⟩ Ehefra.⟨au⟩ (wife) Marie geb. Schmidt
(godparents) …
(comments) drittes Kind (3rd child). | S.⟨iehe⟩ (see) Taufbuch Jahr 1851 S.⟨eite⟩ 159.
In the Taufen book for Apolda, 1848-1855, at the end of the book appears to be an index. I have found a entry for Otto Wappler followed by the number 77. What does this refer to?