Weiß / Weiss ( Friedrich, Elisabeth *born Gimbel*, and Berta)

I started researching my family history a little bit after my Oma (grandmother) passed away.

I haven't had much luck at all and I know it's a long shot considering I'm pretty sure most records from her time got destroyed back then but it's worth a shot.

My Omas name was Berta Weiß she was born on November 22, 1932 in Lambsheim, Germany to Friedrich weiß and Elisabeth Weiß (Born Gimbel) Elisabeth was cousins with The Gimbel Brothers, as in The Gimbel Brothers Department Store.

I've found a ton of Friedrich and Elisabeth Weiß's but none that were of Elisabeth born Gimbel and have found absolutely nothing but a few passenger tickets with Berta's name that could have possibly been her. I did however get Germany to send me Berta's birth certificate but that's all.

Berta ended up marrying my grandfather named Francis Clifford Chenette but I can't even find any records of that.

If anyone could help that would mean ALOT to me.

This is basically everything I know so far, Friedrich was in the German army, He got shot in the face and left for dead by a SS officer for disobeying orders, but survived. They either lived in Lambsheim or a town near by the street they lived on ended at the entry gates, and across the street from a plant that Friedrich worked at and Their town was bombed. Elisabeth was a house wife, her grandfather's name was Wilhelm. in 1974 Berta moved with her husband and children to the United States. Around 1976-1977 Friedrich and Elisabeth visited the US and took a vacation with Berta and her family to Florida. Friedrich died around 1977 or 1978 of a stroke and then Elisabeth moved to the US for a couple of years with Berta but went back to Germany and died around the early 1980's, I think 1983. Both are burried in Germany.
It is best to ask at the registry office (Standeamt) in Lambsheim.

>> https://www.lambsheim-hessheim.de/vg_lambsheim_hessheim/