Help finding Anna 'Fondlar' from Hamburg

Hello to all the kind forum members,

I have a family mystery that I am determined to solve. Unfortunately, my Deutsch is kleine, which gets in the way.

My 3x great grandmother Anna immigrated to the US in 1864 at 20 years old. I have many family documents but the only clues about Anna are that she was born in October of 1843 and came from Hamburg. Her last name is Fondlar on the immigration document. Her obituary and headstone have variations of Fondelar and Foutelroy as her maiden name. She married a Zylicz, also a German immigrant, once in the states.

I would say the most reliable is her headstone which is Fondelar.

I presume her actual surname to be something like Wendler.

Does anyone have an idea of where I can begin to search the records? Would Wendler (or all Ws for that matter), 1843, Hamburg be enough information?

Thank you so much!
Hallo Erin,

bei Ancestry habe ich die Abreise von Anna Fendler gefunden, die laut diesem Dokument in Krakau (Gemeinde in Österreich - NICHT Polen) geboren wurde.

Sie reiste mit einer Amalie Fendler, die ein Jahr älter war. Haben Sie Zugang zu Ancestry? Sie kam also nicht aus Hamburg sondern ist lediglich von dort abgereist.

Monika addition to Monika's wonderful finding which seems to solve your "mystery":

This is the place in Austria to which the record refers

Please also note that this place name came into existence in 2014(!) - former names: Krakaudorf, Krakauhintermühlen and Krakauschatten.

(When you access the Hamburg Passengerlist on Ancestry, the two lines # 55 and #56 on the left side provide the names of Fendler, Amalie and Fendler, Anna.

Please also note that Krakau, Austria is provided as their place of residence(!) upon emigration. This is not necessarily equal to their place of birth!!!
The family name Fendler / Fandler or the like is i.e. also present in Hartberg, Steiermark, Austria. Bottom line: in case you don't find her in Krakau, Austria you need to search other parishes.)

Roman Catholic church registers for Krakaudorf and Krakauebene can be found here:

Many of these church registers have hand written indexes by family name for Taufen / baptisms - Trauungen / marriages - Sterbefaelle / deaths, which will for sure help you to find what you are after.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sie soll ja angeblich am 22. Oktober 1843 geboren worden sein - in beiden von Frau Nagel genannten Kirchenbüchern finde ich für diesen Zeitpunkt keinen Eintrag. Also muss man wohl einen größeren Zeitabschnitt oder andere Kirchenbücher durchsuchen.
Sie soll ja angeblich am 22. Oktober 1843 geboren worden sein - in beiden von Frau Nagel genannten Kirchenbüchern finde ich für diesen Zeitpunkt keinen Eintrag. Also muss man wohl einen größeren Zeitabschnitt odere andere Kirchenbücher durchsuchen.

Auf der Passagierliste ist der letzte Wohnort(!) genannt, der ja nicht zwingend mit dem Geburtsort übereinstimmen muss. ;)
bei Ancestry habe ich die Abreise von Anna Fendler gefunden, die laut diesem Dokument in Krakau (Gemeinde in Österreich - NICHT Polen) geboren wurde.
Just a remark: In 1864, Krakau (Poland) as a part of Galicia, belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So I wouldn't exclude the city from the list of available options, it could be meant bei "Krakau, Österreich" as well.

There existed at least a big Jewish family named Fendler in this city. Maybe other families as well.
Since "Hamburg" is only the place where they boarded the ship, this topic will be moved to the sub-forum for "Weitere Länder" / "Other Countries".
Leider habe ich keinen Zugriff auf ancestry und kann daher die Quelle zur Abreise der Anna Fendler nicht ansehen und kommentieren.
Vielleicht sollte man Krakau in Polen tatsächlich nicht ganz außen vor lassen, zumal es tatsächlich Fendler in Krakau gegeben hat: Fendler in Krakau.
Mich macht ein bißchen stutzig, dass die Gemeinde Krakau in der Steiermark erst seit 2015 so heißt und aus einem Zusammenschluß von verschiedenen Ortschaften entstanden ist: Krakau (Steiermark). Vielleicht gibt es ja noch irgendwo ein Ortschaftenverzeichnis des alten Österreich online, das man zu Rate ziehen könnte ... es scheint auch einer Fendler Gallery in Krakau zu geben: Fendler Gallery.
Hier ist eine Amalia Fendler, geb. 1842, verzeichnet; das hilft aber auch nicht wirklich weiter, da keine passende Anna zu finden ist:

.... passen könnte durchaus die ebenfalls genannte

Gitla Hanna, geb. 1844 - genau wie Anna eine Ableitung aus Johanna

Da es sich hier jedoch um jüdische Familien handelt, bleibt alles reine Spekulation solange sich Erin nicht dazu äußert, ob die gesuchte Familie überhaupt jüdischen Glaubens gewesen ist, oder nicht.

(Since these are all Jewish families, all remains pure speculation only as long as Erin doesn't reply and provide any statement whether the family has been of Jewish religious belief or not.)
Thank you to all! :) This is amazing. I do not know how I missed the Krakow on the passenger list.

I have not heard of Jewish lineage directly. HOWEVER, there are a few interesting things to mention.

Anna married Franz Zylicz when she arrived in the states (I do not know if they knew each other before), whose father was supposedly Polish. I have been told that the Zylicz family had quite possibly converted to Lutheranism from Judaism as there were a large number of Jewish Zyliczs in Warsaw.

And my grandmother, who is the great granddaughter of Franz and Anna, always spoke of a huge family secret that indicated we should be 'ashamed' of our origins. (Of course it goes without saying that I disagree with shame of any origin - I am only quoting her.)

I am very excited by this idea of Austrian roots and also the possibility (that needs to be proven of course) that you are all collaborating and sharing. It would make sense in some ways if I did indeed have Jewish roots - I am a war historian who specializes in WW2 and the Holocaust.
On this end, I will try to find the marriage record of Franz and Anna in Baltimore if it is possible. Perhaps there is better information.

I knew Franz was from Berlin, he grew up next to the Schloss on the Muhlendamm, and his grandparents lived on Breitestrasse. I am determined to find Anna!

Since Anna Fendler on board the ship from Hamburg, departed Hamburg in September 1864(!) it is impossible for her to get married in the US in 1863(!) as the data below tell.

Franz August Wilhelm "Frank"Zylicz

  • Geboren am 18. Dezember 1839 - Berlin, Prussia
  • Verstorben am 2. Juli 1907 - Franklin, St. Mary Parish, LA,Alter: 67 Jahre alt

Eheschließungen und Kinder​

  • Verheiratet im Jahre 1863 mit Anna Fouteleroy 1843-1914 ihre Kinder
    • M
      Franz August Wilhelm "Frank" Jr. Zylicz 1865-1931
    • F
      Mary Zylicz ca 1869-
    • F
      Elizabeth "Lizzie" Zylicz 1871-1961
    • F
      Annie Zylicz 1874-1950
    • F
      Sidonie Zylicz 1877-1972
    • M
      Edward Zylicz 1879-
Ahhhhh. That is the wrong Anna! I just went into Ancestry. My Anna is named as Fandeler, definitely from Hessia in her immigration document. That is why I wondered if her name was Wendler since that could be the Americanized version on her document.
I am sorry, but I did not question Anna's family name, I seriously questioned the provided marriage data in 1863!

If you do not have any proven(!) indication in your family pointing to Jewish religious belief, you need to rule the above mentioned Fendler family from Krakow, Poland out!

Other than that you really need to find -at the very least- the marriage certificate of your Anna in the US.

to be honest I'm really a bit worried in the meantime. There are so many facts and/or assumptions around in the meantime which makes it really difficult to distinguish what is proofen and can be taken as a fact, e.g. did Anna started from Hamburg or from Bremen, and what not. Why is the Anna identified in the passengers list the Anna Erin is searching for?
We all would really like to help and find the correct solution. Maybe it would be helpful to summarize the current status. What do we know and for what do we have documents for, what are assumptions, what are speculations? And let us start with the facts and do the search step by step backwards in time.
@Erin: Could this be an appropriate approach to answer your question? Maybe you can provide this "fact sheet" for us. This would be highly appreciated.
