dn 9ten Julii ist Michel Jacob Baarß
mit Anna Catharin Strutzenbergs
Carl Maßen Witwe copulirt
On July 9, 1773, Michel Jacob Baarß was married to Anna Catharin Strutzenberg, Carl Maßen's widow
den 20 tn 8br ist Michel Jacob Bahrs ein Tag-
löhner aus Zwiedorf gebürtig mit Eva Doro-
thea Dusten aus Schossow gebürtig copuliret.
On October 20, 1775, Michel Jacob Bahrs, a daylaborer and a native from Zwiedorf was married to Eva Dorothea Dust, a native from Schossow.
and dies it seem to be wife number 1 and wife number 2
That question
cannot be answered based on these two marriage records only.
If the 1775 marriage is the groom's second marriage, then a death record between the two dates of marriage for Anna Catharin, nee Strutzenberg needs to exist.
Bottom-line: additional research is required.