Jacob Mayer - Unterensingen


I would appreciate any help in figuring out some words... no rush.


22 Nov
Hans Schneider son of Melchior Schneider from Neckarweihingen and Maria daughter of Martin ...(last name? - could it be Öttingen?) ...and all the words after that??


ich lese da:
22. Novemb.
Hans Schneider Melchior Schneiders sel. Sohn von
Neckarweihingen und sie (?) Maria Martin Aitingers selig
hinderlaßene Tochter von Affalterbach.
Opfer 9 Kr.

Hans Schneider, son of the deceased Melchior Schneider of Neckarweihingen and she (?) Maria, left behind daughter of the deceased Martin Aitinger from Affalterbach.
Sacrifice money 9 Kreuzer.

Danke schön Michael. Das war schnell!



ich lese da:
22. Novemb.
Hans Schneider Melchior Schneiders sel. Sohn von
Neckarweihingen und sie (?) Maria Martin Aitingers selig
hinderlaßene Tochter von Affalterbach.
Opfer 9 Kr.

Hans Schneider, son of the deceased Melchior Schneider of Neckarweihingen and she (?) Maria, left behind daughter of the deceased Martin Aitinger from Affalterbach.
Sacrifice money 9 Kreuzer.

I am also trying to figure out any information out of Maria Magdalena Haas birth record that could help me go back another generation.


Am I reading it right? Her father is Hans Georg and her mother Anna Maria Mathaüs? What else?

Thanks again.


Here I am, asking for help again.

I would like to understand what it says after the death date of Christoph Mayer http://www.archion.de/p/39d0e4d279/

Also, here is his death record http://www.archion.de/p/2da26033f2/. All I could catch was his age when he died.

I am trying to see if I can find any information about who was his father. Nothing is indicated in the Family Register.


The "Familienregister" is citing the death record of Christoph Mayer d http://www.archion.de/p/2da26033f2/

Which I read as follows:

D(en) 10ten 9bris(November) Christoph Majer, ein ehrl. christl. u. ehrfahrener Bürger u. vieljähriger Gerechtigkeit-liebender Richter allhier, an der Wassersucht, da ihme die Füße geschwollen und ausgeloffen. Aet. 77.J.10.M.17.tag. begraben auf dem innern(?) . Kirchhoff.

On 10th November, Christoph Majer, honest and experienced citizen and justice-loving councilman here [in Murr], [died because of] dropsy, which made his feet swollen and leaking. Age 77 years 10 months 17 days. Buried within the inner (?) churchyard.

Thank you, Michael, for the translation. Interesting to know what it says.

Unfortunately, neither the birth nor the marriage nor the death records give any information of Christoph's parents. I guess his line ends there and I won't be able to go back any further.



The "Familienregister" is citing the death record of Christoph Mayer d http://www.archion.de/p/2da26033f2/

Which I read as follows:

D(en) 10ten 9bris(November) Christoph Majer, ein ehrl. christl. u. ehrfahrener Bürger u. vieljähriger Gerechtigkeit-liebender Richter allhier, an der Wassersucht, da ihme die Füße geschwollen und ausgeloffen. Aet. 77.J.10.M.17.tag. begraben auf dem innern(?) . Kirchhoff.

On 10th November, Christoph Majer, honest and experienced citizen and justice-loving councilman here [in Murr], [died because of] dropsy, which made his feet swollen and leaking. Age 77 years 10 months 17 days. Buried within the inner (?) churchyard.


I am trying to figure out any information out of Maria Magdalena Haas birth record that could help me go back another generation.


...and also anything out of the death record of Veit Lederer


Vielen Danke!

For Maria Magdalena Haas you might find this page about her father interesting:


He was married 3 times. Maria Magdalena is from his first marriage with Anna Kimmich/Gimmich :



I am trying to figure out any information out of Maria Magdalena Haas birth record that could help me go back another generation.


...and also anything out of the death record of Veit Lederer


Vielen Danke!

Same for Veit Lederer. Obviously the death date is wrong:


Seems he was born as a catholic in Zusmarshausen, but converted in the 1680s.

Of course you should try to verify this info, by looking up every record in the church registers. Often the pedigrees of other people are not 100% reliable.
Thank you, Eggi, I appreciate your help.

Honestly, I do not trust trees and pedigrees I see around the web. I have researched as a genealogist for over 30 years and I rely only on actual original records.

That is why I was kindly asking for a translation of the ones I included in my post. Not necessarily a complete one, but at least the key information to continue the research.


ok, here for Maria Magdalena:

Anno 1660 den 28 Februarii, Ist Hans Haasen Haus-
fraw Anna Eines Töchterleins genesen, so diesen Tag getaufft
und Maria Magdalena genannt worden. Gevattern
waren Hans Freehl. undt Anna Maria, Mathäus Schnei-
ders Ehefraw p. Weilen die Pfarr umsenzt(?) gewesen,
hat getaufft auff ansprachen Daniel Göbel Pfarrer zu

In the year 1660, 28th of February, the wife of Hans Haas
has born a daughter, who has been christened the same day
and called Maria Magdalena. Godfather
were Hans Freehl. (Fröhlich ?) and Anna Maria, Mathäus Schneider's
wife. Since the parochial service was for free (???),
christening has been done on request by Reverend Daniel Göbel from
KleinenBottwar (= Kleinbottwar).

I'm not 100% sure about the 3rd last line. Could be that the reverend of the parisch didn't receive any money for the christening and asked a colleague to do it.
Veit Lederer:

Anno 1731
d. 2. Januarii wurden begraben
1) Veit Lederer, ein 76jähriger Mann und Witwer
gebohren in dem Prystthumb Summenhausen,4 Stund
von Augspurg, wurde aber ein Gohelytus(?) vor 50 Jahren
Starb an einem Stöck- und Schlagfluß.

In the year 1731
the 2nd of January were buried
1) Veit Lederer, a 76 year old man and widower
born in the diocese Summenhausen, 4 hours
from Augspurg, became however a Gohelytus (protestant ?) 50 years ago
Died from bronchitis and a stroke.

It is probable that the name Summenhausen stands for Zusmarshausen, although I couldn't find a confirmation that it was called liked that yet. Zusmarhausen belonged to the Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg, ans is situated about 20km west of Augsburg (4 hours in that time ?).
Hallo Bernd,

Thank you so much for all the work you put into helping me. Very much appreciated.

As for Veit Lederer, it is rather interesting and intriguing. When I was trying to read the record, I thought the name of the town was Sommerhausen, which I had found to be close to Würzburg.

But as you showed me, the text actually says that it is in proximity of Ausgburg. So probably Zusmarshausen might be the correct town, although the spelling is rather different.

Btw, on GoogleMaps, Ausburg-Zusmarshausen by foot takes 4-5 hours... and I guess in the 1600s that was how they travelled most of the time.

Food for thoughts and further research, historically as well since Zusmarshausen was field to one the last battles during the Thirty Years' War!

If there is anything I can do for you and anyone else who helped me before, I am happy to return the favor. Any Italian ancestry?


Veit Lederer:
guess Gohelytus is rather "Prohelytus" - misspelled for Latin "proselytus" - "convert" (originally for a heathen converted to Judaism)

and by the way, Friedrich Silcher (Veit Lederer's descendant) was a famous German composer. One of his songs was adapted by Elvis "Wooden Heart"

Gruß Ria
Hello Ria,

Thank you for the clarification about the misspelled word. It makes more sense.

What a precious infomation you gave me. I checked it out and indeed through a brother (Veit) and a sister (Magdalina), children of elder Veit Lederer, my friend and Friedrich Silcher are "long-distance" cousins. She will be thrilled to hear that, as among other things, she is also a pianist and music teacher.

Vielen Dank und Grüße,


Veit Lederer:
guess Gohelytus is rather "Prohelytus" - misspelled for Latin "proselytus" - "convert" (originally for a heathen converted to Judaism)

and by the way, Friedrich Silcher (Veit Lederer's descendant) was a famous German composer. One of his songs was adapted by Elvis "Wooden Heart"

Gruß Ria

One more request of assistance with this http://www.archion.de/p/447663b855/ marriage record of Paul Schultheiß and Margaretha (widow of Caspar Schlegel.

There seems to be a lot of information about Paul but I can only grasp a few words... Captain Lieutenant... Kreis Regiment...

Can anyone kindly decode the rest about him?

Vielen Dank!

What I can decypher is this:

An der Fastnacht
d. 23 Febr: "Paul Schultheiß von Sachsen ge-
bührtig, welcher gewesen H. Capitain Leüttenants
Von (...) LeibRegiment zu Pferdt
Diener Undt Margreta Caspar Schlegels
Ehel. Witive allhier.

On mardi gras
23rd February Paul Schultheiß, native from Saxony,
who has been Sir Captain Lieutenants
Von (...) mounted Leibregiment (don't know how to translate this properly) servant and Margreta, Caspar Schlegels conjugal widow here.

Maybe someone else is more familiar with the military unit he served in and can decypher the missing parts and deliver a full decoding. Good luck :)