
Bernhard-Viktor „Vicco“ Christoph-Carl von Bülow

“Hildegard, don't say anything yet”

Bernhard-Viktor „Vicco“ Christoph-Carl von Bülow was born on 12 November, 1923 in Brandenburg. The coat of arms of the von Bülow family - they rank among among the ancient nobility of Mecklenburg - shows a yellow bird, an oriole (French loriot). In line with his family tradition, Vicco von Bülow first embarked on a military career. In Word War II, he was sent to the eastern front. After the war and at his father’s request, he studied painting and graphics at the art academy in Hamburg, and upon his graduation in 1949 he attempted to become a commercial artist. In 1953, Loriot - as he now called himself - drew his first series for the magazine Stern which met with protest, however. One year later, his first book “Auf den Hund gekommen. 44 lieblose Zeichnungen” was published by Diogenes and significantly boosted his career. At the same time, Loriot took over presentations on TV in Süddeutscher Rundfunk and ZDF. In 1976, he became an established name in German literary, cultural and TV history by his show “Loriot”. Twenty years later, the series that had originally consisted of six parts was extended and shown again. Even today elements of the shows are broadcast. The most popular ones include the sketches in which Evelyn Hamann excels at von Bülow’s side. Vicco von Bülow died in Ammerland on 22 August 2011.

His entry in the baptismal register can be found in the Sankt Gotthardt parish in Brandenburg (Havel):

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