On this page, you will find an overview of all posts and news.
January 2025
23. January 2025
Upcoming Event: Genealogica 2025
From 7 to 23 February, this online event offers a multitude of exciting lectures, workshops and presentations on topics such as genealogy, DNA research, digital tools and historic sources.
1525 was a remarkable year! The Reformation, triggered by Luther’s posting of theses in Wittenberg, had already fallen on fertile soil, and his statement that a Christian was “subject to none”, inspired uprisings that led to the German Peasants’ War in 1525. While Luther dissociated himself from the activities of the peasants at an early stage, reformers such as Thomas Müntzer actively sided with…
Archion celebrates 175,000 church books available online and thus a further milestone in almost a decade of daily church book imports. This wealth of documents offers our customers virtually endless opportunities to trace their heritage and immerse themselves into the history of their families.
Once more, the Genealogica 2024 offers an online platform to join in where family researchers, genealogical associations, public and private institutions, all kinds of genealogical service providers and suppliers related to genealogy and history can virtually come together - this time for no less than 17 days.
You have noticed an error while browsing a church record? This is great! Report errors via the feedback form integrated in the viewer. The function is as easy as can be.
The Famillement takes place on June 15, 2024, from 10 AM to 5 PM and is the largest event dedicated to family history in the Netherlands. This year, the focus is on the exciting theme "New Family."
Every two years, the nationwide “Archive Day” draws public attention to the numerous social functions of archives.
On these days, hundreds of archives of any kind open their doors for citizens, presenting themselves as modern service providers with exciting programs.
New Design, Proven Tradition - Discover Archion in New Splendor
Welcome to a new era of family research with Archion! We have revised our platform for you with great commitment and attention to detail. Here is a quick overview of our new features and what you already appreciate and love...
Exactly ten years ago, a pioneering experiment began that has become a success on many levels: the founding of the “Kirchenbuchportal”. With the joint vision to make church records available in digital form to all people interested, 12 Protestant churches initiated the Kirchenbuchportal GmbH in 2013. Today, 10 years later, we can proudly look back at the tremendous development and the numerous…
Archion now provides the community with a powerful way to advance their research: User-Generated Content (UGC). This tool allows to upload valuable additional information such as tables of contents, translations, transcriptions of entries or alphabetic name lists of the church record entries related to specific church records.
We are continuously striving to present you new church records. Register for our newsletter to get information about new releases, limited offers, and special events.