Depending on which device you use ARCHION with, the website will be presented in a slightly different way.
You can use all functions offered by ARCHION with both versions, but the arrangement of the individual elements may vary from device to device. In case you don’t find a function or button immediately, scroll a little up or down.
The menu bar is displayed in a reduced size in the mobile version. "Discover Archion" and the forum can be found on the right below the three dashes. "Sign in" can be found on the right above the person icon.
The church records from Dippach from the Landeskirchenarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche in Mitteldeutschlad/Eisenach can be viewed free of charge without sign up or sign in.
Click on the button below to go directly to the church record of Dippach
You can also enter "Dippach" in the Location Search or go via All Archives to Landeskirchenarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche in Mitteldeutschlad/Eisenach -> Kirchenkreis Eisenach-Gestungen -> Dippach. All church records highlighted with green arrow can now be viewed free of charge and without sign up or sign in.
This should serve as a test for you, if you get along with Archion or the old German script.
To open a church record, click on it and then click on "Display Digital Copy (Viewer)" in the window which opens.
Some functions of the viewer (feedback, download, bookmark and permalink) are only available with an active pass. It should also be noted that the quality of the church records may vary from record to record.
There are two ways to find the right church record for your needs: Location Search and All Archives.
Here you simply enter the city name in the field. You can narrow your search by entering a time period. Then click on "Search Church book". You will now be shown all digitally available books that contain the place name.
If you get too many hits, we recommend narrowing your search further. To do so, click on "Extended search". Here you can narrow down by register type.
Here you have the possibility to find church records directly via the archive. You can either restrict by federal state on the left or click on the desired federal state on the map on the right. All archives in this federal state will then be displayed. As soon as you select an archive, you will be taken to the district or deanery level. Select a deanery or a county. You will now be shown all the locations in that area. Click on a location. You will now see a list of all church records available on ARCHION digital.
Please note: only the church records with a green arrow on the right are available digitally.
Click on the church book you are interested in. Information about this church book will open on the right-hand side. If you have an active passport and are logged in, you can now open the church book by clicking "Display digital copy (Viewer)".
To open a church book in the viewer and browse online, you must first find the correct book. Just open the tab above if you need help finding the right book.
When you have found the right book, click on it. A new window will open on the right. This contains any information about the book or the term.
Click "Display digital copy (Viewer)" at the top of this window. The book opens.
The entries in the church records are handwritten in old German script. It takes a little practice until you can read the script. You can get a first impression of the German script with the help of the script table and the reading exercises. First information about the German script can be found here.
If you do not get along at all with the old German handwriting and need professional help, you turn best to a Berufsgenealogin or a Berufsgenealogin. Contact details of professionally and scientifically reputable professional genealogists to support your family research can be found at the Association of German-speaking Professional Genealogists (Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen).
You can help improve ARCHION!
To do so, click on the feedback symbol on the upper left side of the viewer. A new menu will open on the right hand side of the screen. In the checkbox titled "Topic", click the small check mark on the right.
A drop-down menu will open where you can select the relevant topic for your report. Please use this form to write us a message that describes the error in as much detail as possible and then click on the "Send feedback" button to send us the error report.
Archion Support will look at your report and you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. Depending on the error, the correction time varies between a few days and a few months.
This varies and depends on the type of error. You will not receive any feedback, for example, if titles of church records have been changed. In the case of reports on missing pages or defective images, you will usually receive feedback as soon as the correction has been made.
Have you found a user in the forum that shares your interest and would like to connect with them? The best way is to write them a private message.
All users registered on Archion can write messages to one another. Use this feature to exchange ideas and connect with other researchers.
To send or read messages, first sign in via "Sign in". Then click on "Profile" at the top right and then "My messages" below that. You are now in the forum. Here you can see an overview of all your previous messages.
To start a new conversation with another researcher, click on the green "Start conversation" button at the top right.
In the window that opens, enter the recipient's username. In the field below write a short subject. And in the large field you can then write your message. To send the message, click on the blue "Start conversation" button at the bottom center.
To read messages, go to "Profile" as described above. If a green dot appears next to "My messages", you have a new message. Click on "My messages".
In the next window, you will now see a small envelope in the upper right corner with a small red number next to it. Click on the envelope and then click on the new conversation. To reply, simply write in the box below the message and then click "Post reply" on the right.
Type of Source
Church record, copy of church record
Name of Parish with Place
in small places usually identical with the name of the community
Church District or Deanship
if present
Type of Official Acts Register
Title of source (e.g. baptisms, marriages, funerals)
Term of Register
Period/term of church record
Volume Number of Church Record
if present
Page Number of Reference
if present
Relevant Archive
Archive that has transferred the data to ARCHION
To quote from ARCHION, just complement the general part (see above) by the Archion permalink and the date when you created the permalink.
Church records, Kallstadt, baptisms, marriages, funerals, communicants, confirmations, other 1611-1834, volume 1, p. 285, Central Archive of the Protestant Church of Palatinate, online on Archion: (retrieved on 25.04.2023)
Church record, Tieringen, baptism register 1558-1875, volume 2, p. 217, original: Regional Church Archive Stuttgart, online on Archion: (retrieved on 25.04.2023)
Browsers allow to surf the Internet and view websites. They are the interface between your computer and the World Wide Web by loading and displaying websites as well as allowing interactive elements. Popular browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari.
Feel free to write us about your concern in person, either via mail to or via our contact form.