Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel

Hallo Tihoka,

die Kirchenbücher von Züschen (Kirchenkreis Fritzlar) werden vermutlich 2016 online sein. Dieses Jahr auf keinen Fall mehr, da der komplette Kirchenkreis erst digitalisiert werden muss.
Guten Tag
ich möchte Sie auf fehlende Akten zum KB Kassel-Stadt Garnisonskirche hinweisen. Hier ist mindestens eines der KB nicht online gestellt worden. Es fehlen die Einträge für die Jahre 1875-1879. Hierzu gibt es im Band 1868-1887 einen Hinweis "weitere Einträge sieh Bd. II S. 43 (Unicat)" (online-Seite 1271). Im Register des Bandes 1868-1887 sind diese Einträge dagegen erfasst.

Weiter fehlen die Taufeinträge für 1866 bis 1868. Das Taufbuch 1852-1865 endet im Dezember 1865, die nächsten Einträge finden sich erst ab Januar 1869 sowohl im Band KB 1868-1883 wie im Band KB 1868-1887 (Zum Teil identisch, aber verschiedene Register).

Falls es Ihnen möglich ist, die fehlenden Akten zu ergänzen bzw. den Sachverhalt der fehlenden Akten aufzuklären, wäre ich Ihnen sehr dankbar.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Guten Tag

Seit April 2015 nutze ich das Archiv.Als Hann.Mündener forsche ich auch im hessischen. Warum sind im KB Witzenhausen unter Taufen 1894-1930 die Seiten nicht vollständig? Die Taufen enden dort 1912. Wenn die "Bilder" 232-382 nicht vorhanden sind,sollte man nicht bis"1930" schreiben. Oder hat sich ein anderer Fehler eingeschlichen?


Warum sind im KB Witzenhausen unter Taufen 1894-1930 die Seiten nicht vollständig? Die Taufen enden dort 1912. Wenn die "Bilder" 232-382 nicht vorhanden sind,sollte man nicht bis"1930" schreiben. Oder hat sich ein anderer Fehler eingeschlichen?

Das o.a. KB scheint bis 1930 zu laufen - deshalb folgerichtig der entsprechende Titel.
Vollständig dürfte es auch sein, darauf deuten zumindest die Angaben im Register hin - mithin dürften auch die "Bilder" vollständig sein.

Aber: Datenschutz und Sperrfristen sind ebenfalls zu beachten, weshalb noch nicht der gesamte Inhalt dieses KB online gestellt werden kann.
Interessant ist, dass beim Landeskirchlichen Archiv Westfalen in Bielefeld Bücher nicht jahrgangsweise freigegeben werden. Sehr schade!!!
Siehe dort den letzten Beitrag.

bin ganz neu hier,

gibt es bei Archion das KB von Waldeck

(finde mich bei Archion nicht so richtig zurecht...

Auf "Suche" gehen
z.B. im Feld "Freitext" Waldeck eintragen
Darauf achten, daß in der nächsten Spalte rechts "Quellen" ein Häkchen bei "Digitalisate" gesetzt ist.
Dann auf "Suchen" klicken.

So findet man:
LKA Kassel > Eder > Waldeck

Alle hier aufgelisteten KB sind GRÜN hinterlegt, d.h. sie sind als Digitalisate, von Nutzern, die zuvor einen "Pass/kostenpflichtigen Benutzerausweis" gekauft haben, online einsehbar.

Möge es nützen.

MfG, Vera Nagel

Es ist für Königshagen nur die KBs ab 1903 erhältlich. Weiß jemand ob davor zu einem anderen Kirchspiel gehörten?

der Kirchenkreis Hofgeismar ist mittlerweile digital in unserem Lesesaal einsehbar. Normalerweise hätten wir auch schon eine Abgabe an Archion getätigt, allerdings ist jetzt bereits der Kirchenkreis Frankenberg fertig digitalisiert worden.
Wir wollen daher auch noch den KKR Frankenberg vorbereiten, so dass wir letztlich beide Kirchenkreise zusammen an Archion abgeben können.

der Kirchenkreis Hofgeismar ist mittlerweile digital in unserem Lesesaal einsehbar. Normalerweise hätten wir auch schon eine Abgabe an Archion getätigt, allerdings ist jetzt bereits der Kirchenkreis Frankenberg fertig digitalisiert worden.
Wir wollen daher auch noch den KKR Frankenberg vorbereiten, so dass wir letztlich beide Kirchenkreise zusammen an Archion abgeben können.

Is there an approximate date for when Kirchenkreis Frankenberg comes to Archion?
Hello obw22,

KKR Frankenberg will definitly be online this year. We hope it will be finished in late September or October.
The parishes of Rosenthal (with Roda) and Wiesenfeld (with Ernsthausen and Birkenbringhausen) do not participate on Archion.

Best regards
B. Breidenbach
Hello obw22,

KKR Frankenberg will definitly be online this year. We hope it will be finished in late September or October.
The parishes of Rosenthal (with Roda) and Wiesenfeld (with Ernsthausen and Birkenbringhausen) do not participate on Archion.

Best regards
B. Breidenbach

Hallo Herr Breidenbach,

That's too bad about Wiesenfeld, but Frankenburg was one of the towns on my list that would make me get a one-year pass. (I'm currently on a one-month pass.)

Are there any updates regarding Friedewald?


How many parishes are there in Hesse Kassel? How many are now online? How many will eventually be online.

I want to start searching for my 2nd great gradmother, Margaretha Mendel, who lived in hesse Kassel. But I want to wait until as many records are as online as possible.

Thank you!

regarding the former "Electorate of Hesse" see i. e. here:

Scroll down on this web site and enlarge the map on the right titled "Kurfürstentum Hessen" in order to get an impression how huge that territory was.

I mention this since if you indeed only have a name and for place of origin "Hesse-Kassel", then looking for her comes close to looking for a needle in the haystack - not impossible to find the desired person, however a really tedious task.

Anyway, the "Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel" (regional state archive Kassel) has 1,819 microfilmed church books in their holdings - see here:

Click on "Liste der Verzeichnungseinheiten des Bestandes Verfilmung KB Kassel" in order to see the details.

Quite a number of these are already digitalized, but not everything as of yet.
If you want to wait with starting your research until allmost everything has been digitalized and will eventually be made available for online-research via Archion I'd say that you may have to wait for at least the next 1 1/2 up to 2 years or even more to come.

Back to Archion: a general rule: online available church books appear on Archion on GREEN background.

Everyone can see what is online free of charge and even free of any registration at Archion.

In your case....
Browse > Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel
next column to the right is the church district > click on any
next column to the right is the parish > click on any
next column to the right shows the available church books for a parish

If you actually want to access any of such available church books (appearing on green background), as a registered user of Archion you first need to buy what they call a "Pass / Passport" - say a paid subscription.

Hope that already helps a little and good luck with your research,
Vera (Nagel)

PS: Since church book records are recorded in historic German script one needs to be able to decipher these scripts. In case one runs into difficulties doing so, the Archion forum has a sub-forum titled "Lesehilfen" (deciphering help) where Archion users may ask for help free of charge.
Thank you!

Two clarifying questions:

1) Is it correct that the territory of the former Electorate of Hesse is approximately the same as the parishes found in the Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel. (Or would some of them have been in Hessen-Nassau, for example.)

2) I have browsed the Archion list but just wondered if you could give a rough estimate of the percentage of these 1,819 parishes that are currently online--30%, 50%, 80%, etc.?

Thank you!!


regarding the former "Electorate of Hesse" see i. e. here:

Scroll down on this web site and enlarge the map on the right titled "Kurfürstentum Hessen" in order to get an impression how huge that territory was.

I mention this since if you indeed only have a name and for place of origin "Hesse-Kassel", then looking for her comes close to looking for a needle in the haystack - not impossible to find the desired person, however a really tedious task.

Anyway, the "Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel" (regional state archive Kassel) has 1,819 microfilmed church books in their holdings - see here:

Click on "Liste der Verzeichnungseinheiten des Bestandes Verfilmung KB Kassel" in order to see the details.

Quite a number of these are already digitalized, but not everything as of yet.
If you want to wait with starting your research until allmost everything has been digitalized and will eventually be made available for online-research via Archion I'd say that you may have to wait for at least the next 1 1/2 up to 2 years or even more to come.

Back to Archion: a general rule: online available church books appear on Archion on GREEN background.

Everyone can see what is online free of charge and even free of any registration at Archion.

In your case....
Browse > Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel
next column to the right is the church district > click on any
next column to the right is the parish > click on any
next column to the right shows the available church books for a parish

If you actually want to access any of such available church books (appearing on green background), as a registered user of Archion you first need to buy what they call a "Pass / Passport" - say a paid subscription.

Hope that already helps a little and good luck with your research,
Vera (Nagel)

PS: Since church book records are recorded in historic German script one needs to be able to decipher these scripts. In case one runs into difficulties doing so, the Archion forum has a sub-forum titled "Lesehilfen" (deciphering help) where Archion users may ask for help free of charge.
How to Break Through a Brick Wall--an Archion Success Story

For decades family members had been searching for the hometowns of my 2nd great grandparents, John and Margaret Schmaltz. With no luck. They doubted we would ever find the towns.

Last year, I discovered an old Ohio church record (family register) that gave a lot of specific information about my 2nd great grandparents, including the hometown of John Schmaltz.
But no luck for Margaret. It said John was from Ützhausen, Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt but only gave the neighboring state Kurfürstentum Hessen (Hesse Kassel) for Margaret.

Because the information for John--including his birth, baptism, confirmation, and godparents--was verified by German researchers, I decided the information for Margaret must also be pretty accurate for Margaret.

I did know from multiple sources that her name was Margaretha Mendel / Mandel and she was born 2 March 1835.

So I decided to search all of the parishes of Hesse Kassel until I found her. This would have been impossible for me before Archion went live. But I noticed quite a few parishes from Hesse Kassel were online.

So I paid $22 for a month subscription and began my search. People told me I was crazy and would probably never find her. They said it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I was told there were 1,800 parishes in Hesse Kassel. They said it might take years to check them all and even then I might not find her.

I figured if I could check 10 a day for 6 months I would cover all the parishes, assuming the records hadn't been destroyed, etc.

Yesterday I found her and the information matches the Ohio records well. How long did it actually take me to find her? One month.

The first week I checked 10 parishes a day. The second week I didn't check any. The next two weeks I made time every night to search dozens of parishes.

It didn't take as long as you think. Some parishes had no births at all in 1835. Some had only 1 or 2 pages. 5 or 6 pages were a lot and more than a dozen seemed rare. Some didn't have any Margarethas born at all in 1835. Because of the ease of navigating the digital system, I could check most parishes in a few minutes at most.

Altogether I checked 11 of the 25 districts the parishes were organized into and found her. I think about 45% of the online records.

Statistically it is unlikely your ancestor will be in the very last parish on your list. You would probably find them after checking 40-50% of the parishes.

It wasn't as though there were dozens and dozens of possible matches. Only
One record made sense for my Anna Margaretha Mentel.

Keep in mind my cousins had been searching for her for decades. I had been looking myself for several years.

It only took me 30 days to find her by browsing the parish books.

I couldn't have done this before Archion. I would have had to order hundreds of microfilm and spend possibly thousands of dollars. And it would have taken many times longer on a microfilm reader.

But now there is a new way to break down walls of you have basic facts like name and birth date of your ancestor.

If you have a fairly good idea of the German state your ancestor was from, even if not the exact town, you may save years and years of researching by simply browsing the parish registers in Archion.
Hello obw22,

KKR Frankenberg will definitly be online this year. We hope it will be finished in late September or October.
The parishes of Rosenthal (with Roda) and Wiesenfeld (with Ernsthausen and Birkenbringhausen) do not participate on Archion.

Best regards
B. Breidenbach

Greetings. I wanted to thank you again for the information about the schedule for Frankenberg. You were accurate and I appreciate that.

I was up into the early morning hours with my new subscription looking at the Frankenberg church books and solving mysteries. It has nagged me for several years who the man was who brought my 3rd great-grandmother to America. I now know it was her stepfather. Now I have documentation to confirm my suspicion.

I've also confirmed that another of her siblings came to St. Louis through the church books.

Best regards,
